Dawn of War II


Aug 20, 2003
Reaction score
So I ran a search and all I could find was stuff on the MP beta. The game has been released for a while now. I just got it over the break last week and I have to say I've been enjoying the SP quite a bit. I'm not usually the kind of guy who plays RTS campaigns, in fact, I couldn't even finish Starcraft SP because I got bored and sidetracked. They just seemed too repetitive for me. However with DoW 2 I actually find myself pretty engrossed with what is going on. Maybe it's the whole squad leveling up thing, or getting new gear, or maybe it's just the fact that actual combat tactics matter more than build order, but the change of pace is certainly refreshing.

Oh and the fact that the game is beautiful doesn't hurt either.

The beta did not impress, but I must say the full game is quite the treat!

Thoughts on this game? Better, or worse than the other games made by Relic in your opinion, what does everyone else think?

By the way, anyone interested in playing SP on coop, or some multiplayer? Send me a PM!
Planning on buying this the second I upgrade my computer.
Looks fun as hell.

Wait until a price drop or a patch.


  • Terrible (TERRIBLE) Optimization, especially for vista users. I can play Battle for Middle Earth 2 on Ultra and CoH on medium/high with no lag, but I load incredibly slow in DoWII on the lowest settings, even though I run the game perfectly fine on High (Loading just takes about 5 minutes).
  • Terrible balance
  • Gameplay gets VERY stale fast
  • GFWL is a pain in the ass
  • Etc.

I'd be willing to play though. I'm still searching for a solution to the slow-as-hell loading problem.
I bought retail and it runs over steam which I like,the story is alright the characters are better....I don't have any problems with performance I'm running at max settings.
Same, no problems with performance or loading on my end. Running the game on Ultra settings just fine in the campaign.

Also one thing that people seldom mention: The voice acting is very good in this game. Sound effects are great as well. Weapons sound like they pack a whallop, explosions are very rewarding. Very visceral game experience if you ask me.

No comments on balance yet, as I haven't played any MP yet.
How good this game is, seems to seriously come down to a bit of luck on the technical side of things.

Release day saw Relic get swarmed with some of the highest levels of complaints and problems a game release has ever seen.
People couldnt even install the game, and those that could ran into instant problems thanks to Mr Steam, and those that were lucky enough to bypass THOSE problems ran into driver issues causing crashing, blue screens and glitches everywhere. GFWL also had mass problems, causing MP to not work and people unable to even sign in let alone get their downloadable wargear from codes that comes free depending on where you bought the game.

All in all, a terrible release. BUT kudos to the Relic team because they were on the forums pretty much 24/7, responding to issues, asking for driver details, I even saw a Relic member ask for someone's save game files through Rapidshare so they could get a hard copy in their studio so they could do an in-house fix. For that I was impressed.

However I dont know how bad the problems were for steam users as I personally bought a retail version.

I wish I hadnt, took me a whole weekend to get the game installed, came down to Steam refusing to believe that I had the program in the first place, and had to install it to my HD (copy it), then delete some STeam related files, THEN had to install specific files off the CD as the CD itself (or the installer anyway) didnt recognise the files or couldnt find them.

ALmost tore my hair out, but eventually it worked.

The game itself is awesome though, although very repetitive and little variation. But soem of the fights (specially in the SP campaign defending against swarm after swarm of nids) are epic. The eldar are super challenging too.

I wanted to love it but couldnt because I felt ashamed for Relic. If they mess up the next CoH expansion im gonna be piiiiiiiiiissed.
Hmm I heard about all those issues but I never ran into any of them. So I guess they either fixed them all or I got extremely lucky.

I have a retail(boxed) version of the game. All it did was asked me to make sure I was logged onto steam before I finished my install, and then it copied the files onto Steam from the CD (it's added as a Steam game by default)
Im on vista all high settings no problems sp and mp are both a blast I recommend this game to anyone!
The singleplayer demo just got released. Downloading it with Steam atm.
I wanna buy this, i had the BETA
Twas good, turn my army of Tyranids pink, then unleash hell and watch the ****ers squirm after being raped by giant pink bugs!
Underwhelmed by the sp although this game probably shines in skirmish / mp.
This is what happens when Relic loses their best talent and licenses one of their franchises to a Chinese mmo.