Day of Deluge


Nov 12, 2006
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Once again, Britain has had yet another weather change.
Back in around January of this year, we had fog.
In Febuary, we had snow.
And in June, we have rain.

Gloucestershire (where I am) is rather flooded, I could see it leaking into my school door. One man died after trying to unblock a drain, and for Glastonbury visiters... well, they are now immune to it.

Big round yellow thing, usually floats around in the sky. Answers to the name 'Sun'. If you see him, tell him its June!
Haha, yeah, we've had rain here now for almost 3 weeks I think.
we also had a small tornado a week or so ago.

Really doesn't seem like June, the only thing that resembles June is that it gets light early and dark late!

We didn't have no fog here, we're pretty high up, but we had snow at the end of March! What happened to white christmases?
Yeah i hear you get rly weird weather im going there this summer for a trip its gonne be pretty cool eh i hope the weather decides to chill while im there so i dont get any damn rain :laugh::thumbs:
Wisconsin is bright and shiny... finally

humid and hot though :x , That's the midwest U.S. for you though - hot summers and cold winters.
We had better weather in winter, generally speaking.
The most annoying thing is how you can't predict the weather. It's hot and sunny, then pissing down with rain, then hot and sunny, then...and so on.
This afternoon there was actually a period where it was hot, sunny and pissing down with rain all at the same time.
This weather absolutely blows.
