DBZ live action

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Feb 6, 2006
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So who heard about this like 5 years ago?

I think they should make it. I mean if they made X-men then they can definately make a DBZ movie. It'd be far more entertaining than X-Men because obviously, there'd be more action...there'd be no real or interesting story, but it'd just be so freaking cool for special effects and all that.

Besides it'd give you an idea of what an ACTUAL DBZ FIGHT WOULD LOOK LIKE if it were in real life :D
Personally I hate DBZ. A movie with actually people I think would be hilarious. People sitting there screaming for 5 minutes......
I'll stick with the Matrix
DBZ is dead. wont happen.
its also not 'cool' and there isnt a sufficient target audience to warrant production of such a film.
neptuneuk....you clearly are ignorant. Do you know how many people like DBZ in the US??? Well into the millions...

I know the show isn;t cool, but if it were to be made into a live action movie, i'm sure the action would kick so much ass and it'd be just amazing eye candy...

And obviously they won';t show them powering up for 5 minutes...that was like the main reason why people make fun of DBZ because of the long power ups...clearly the producer won;t put that in...why would he want his movie to get made fun of ? :)
dont call me ignorant. it wont get as many box office sales, as say.. james bond.
i already called you ignorant :(

As for your assumption, you can't really say that because you don't know what the movie will be like at all (if it does actually get made).
its not about how good the film is. its about what shallow predetermined views people take towards it before watching it.
Quite clearly, people will ridicule it out of the box office.

at least, I would try to.

DBZ is horrendously stupid enough as it is, but with live actors it woudl be nothing but a complete joke. You might as well make a live pokemon movie.
It wont ever be made...
And that rumor is as old as the internets

Here's an idea of what the script would be like.





No, it would be ridiculously stupid.
Can you imagine how the actors would look?...
Actually, who would you even cast?

I liked DBZ when I was 12, now it's just stupid sweaty men screaming at eachother while throwing energy shit at one another.
lawl...well if you ask me it;s just as childish as spiderman & X-men.

Let the flaming begin :)
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