
Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Anybody ever read this puppy? I just finished it and it blew my f*cking mind. It is really as good as people say it is, it still seems fresh and original even though it dropped in 1985! If you're not familar with the story, it's basically about what masked superheroes would be like if they REALLY existed, their psychological problems/issues, how their existence would influence international politics, and how they would affect society at large. It won the HUGO award that year, (top prize for science fiction) and they're also making it into a movie that'll be out in 2006.

Do yourself a favor and go pick it up. I found a copy at the Barnes and Noble down the street. And alwayws remember: WHO WATCHES THE WATCHMEN?



EDIT: No image tags? I thought that was only for the HL2 section. Bastards.
If you enjoyed it you will also enjoy the following:

-DC/Kingdom Come
-Marvel Comics/Marvels
-DC/The Dark Knight Returns

I really liked the idea behind the fake alien invasion, it could work hehe.
I love Watchmen - quite possibly the co-best-comic-ever (alongside Transmetropolitan).

Everybody read it now!
Gunner said:
If you enjoyed it you will also enjoy the following:

-DC/Kingdom Come
-Marvel Comics/Marvels
-DC/The Dark Knight Returns

I really liked the idea behind the fake alien invasion, it could work hehe.

Yeah, I've read DKR.

I'lll have to check out those others, although I'm not a huge Marvel fan.
lol I made a Watchmen thread last month. It is an amazing comic that conveys Alan Moore's message perfectly. If you liked Watchmen, be sure to get Moore's other comics:

V for Vendetta (my personal favorite)
Swamp Thing (the issues he wrote anyway, they changed the legend of Swamp Thing forever)
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
From Hell

You won't be disappointed.
Sulkodds lent me the graphic novel he was renting out from the library, and I think Watchmen is spiffing!
They're finally gonna make the movie? WB will no doubt rape Watchmen like all of DC's properties. :angry:
I read the french comics XIII. Very interesting stuff. Game wasn't too bad either.

Oh and the movie is in limbo now. Paramount dropped it and now has no studio to support it. The movie is just too risky to put in mainstream. The only people who would see it are comic fans.