de_carpark 15% done


Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
This map is a remake of the not a big sucess de_abandoned_carpark. Ive learnt alot since then so wat do you think of this newer improved version.
Im postin so early on to see what you think so far. There is no releftions on this map because my gfx is awful and it makes it look worse. Heres a few pics anf tell me wat you think.



On these next pictures there is a light but its not a permanent light its so you can see inside the building. Plus eventually in the building there will be stairs or a lift leading down 2 the uunderground carpark.


Tell me wat you think.
lol the first pic at first looked like a drawbridge in the fog
Another thing i forgot to mention, eventually the traffic lights will turn to red yellow green by them selfes later.
The biggest problem I see in your map atm is the 1st and 3rd shot where you have the road starting to elevate. You really need to use displacements to get rid of that, looks way too much like hl1 like that.
ive done that now, i realised it be4 and fixed it .
Looking pretty good man, keep us updated :)
Yeah that looks good so far. Keep it up and remember not to just put playerclips where you don't want people walking. Try and have a reasonable excuse like police cars or Tipped up lorries.
yer dekstar ive got a small proby on my new map i have a road which is reasonably wide maybee 4 traffic lanes. can you think of any thing i could use to block it off i thought maybee an articulated truck but i can make custom models because no 3d max. but i wanted fire and sum burning corpses they always look good. the best ive come up atm is police tape and that. Any suggestions?
You could do what havana did and use some of the chainlink fence models.
yer gd idea i cud do tht for one side of the road and then use the crashed truck with police tape for the other side. i wanted iut so u cud kinda take cover inside the wreckage. if u know wat i mean. because the cts will have to cross the road to get the hossies.
Thnx, for the good comments guys ill keep you updated in the same post. Plus now ive started the actual multi-storey carpark so when ive done half ill post some pics. :)
I don't know if it's just me, but shouldn't you get more of your map laid out before you start adding fillers?
i have got most of my map laid out. The Carpark structure is up all the basics are there so im starting to make it a bit complex.
For the past days been focusing on the light and reflections, heres my final result. Plus ive changed the lights in the building.

What u think, better than the old?
Can i ask u guys a question, where u think the bombsite shud go:
a) top of carpark
b) at the bottom where buildin is
c) underground carpark
Jonny said:
Can i ask u guys a question, where u think the bombsite shud go:
a) top of carpark
b) at the bottom where buildin is
c) underground carpark
Aren't there going to be hostages? Is it even possible to make a CS/DE map? :p

If you do make it a DE map, I think the bottom of the carpark would work great, as would the drawbridge. They both make sense as terrorist targets. You might need to change the layout a bit, but it'd make it that much more believable.
hmmm, when i thought about hostages, i thought the map was to small so i was planning to have a bombsite one.
Heres the new lift im making so far. Its a coloum in the middle of the carpark which will take you to every floor including the underground capark when done.
Remember to add a 3D skybox with buildings, so it doesn't look like you are on some floating carpark in the sky. Also please promise me you won't just use the HL2 wrecked car models, and you will get some nice looking not destroyed abandoned car models so it looks like people use the carpark.
Not bad at all, it should have some good atmosphere when finished. I'll run through some critiques I have.

You need to work on the architecture a bit more. In the second most recent post, the building in picture three has a very odd doorway. Try constructing it out of something reasonable, red bricks don't really make any sense there.
With the same building, it reminds me far more of a military bunker than a parking lot office place. The rounded edge on the roof could be causing that. Look for some references, or get rid of that edge and add some trip atop.

Next, the incline to get into the parking lot. Very steep, it is. I can think of a fair few cars that couldn't drive up it from a stopped position at the barrier. Consider extending the ramp into the first level so the incline isnt as steep, and put concete barriers around it.

Finally, you've got to consider why would a terrorist risk their life in order to bomb a carpark? This level doesn't really make sense, it doesn't have much strategic value for anyone. A deathmatch would be the most appropriate, if at all possible.

Hope this helps you.
thnx for the advice, ive read thro all tht and i thought there was some gd poinnts tht u made. When ive done them ill post again.
Yea, but Ben, it doesn't need to necicarily have a storyline. Like I mean why would terrorists attack a McDonald's? lol What about glassfloors. I think they are extremely fun and well they obviously dont have a storyline. Just one more tip Jonny, don't rush youself. If something doesn't look good to you, sit back and think it over, look up some pictures of carparks on google, or even better drive around and take some pictures of carparks in your city. Make it as real as possible. That is KEY to the success of your map. That is one of the main reasons FPS's like CSS and BF2 are so popular. They are realistic and people have seen the weapons and can see the maps to be actually existant, making them more imersed in the game. Take your time and good luck!
thnx alot, ill goin 2 stick 2 this map and i hope it will b a sucess =D
lol jonny i wasnt aware u were old enuf to drive. It wud think u odd if i saw sum1 driving around a town taking pics of carparks. gd idea though :D :D :D :D
I totally see your point Sgt. Redneck, it is true that it doesn't really neeed a story. I can't think of the best scenario for this map though, It would probably be too easy to defend hostages on the roof, and too hard in the basement. A bomb map is the most likely gameplay mode, but where do you think the bombsite should be?
Either way, keep working on it Jonny, I can't wait to see it finished.
I just thought of a scenario. The terrorists intercepted a vehicle contianing some inportant guy, and are going to blow the bridge to hold off the CT in time to get their planned airlift out. :p

EDIT: Those models for the lights in the gaurd shack thing. What is that model, I've seen it in there before but I forget which folder.

EDIT: Nevermind props/cs_office/light_inset.mdl
tht sounds gd idea, but im not going to use the abandoned car models. So what site would you say would be got for some custom car models?
Use these garry's mod mini mods. Some come with cars. Some are not good, but if you look through them some are pretty good. Here are some links: (VMOD);4016877;5;/fileinfo.html- (PersonalJihad's) (It includes GMOV which has cars)

Car models that I would use are as follows:

-Police Car
-Van (Maybe) - Note: Has multiple skins
-All the APC's
-Maybe the two rally cars (I haven't taken a good look

-BMW (Multi skins)
-Cargo Truck (Maybe)
-Volvo (Maybe) (Multi Skin)
-Austin Mini (Multi skin)
-Old Beetle
NOTE: Do not use the GMOW forklift. Use the one in the props folder (might be in prodigy, I completely forget

Enjoy! Oh by the way I don't think any of them work with prop_static, use prop_dynamic instead.
ermmm, ive extracted em 2 right place then wot i do?
well the right place as in if you had garry's mod. ok copy the model files and textures for each car to corresponding css directory.
some new pics ppl, this time of the new sprial stairs. I need 2 do the light but tht will come l8er.

Try to work on some texture variation. Other than that, its alright for a first map...
ive put a nice light in the stairs changed some textures looks gd.