DE_Dust Map exploit already being used....




tr.v. ex·ploit·ed, ex·ploit·ing, ex·ploits (k-sploit, ksploit)
To employ to the greatest possible advantage
To make use of selfishly or unethically

Just thought I would post the definition before describing the problem. I am HOPING that Valve gets this fixed before the release to CZ owners. Apparently, both CT's and T's can use grenades to propel themselves on top of the "roof" in some parts of the map.

I played Source for 5 hours tonight at my local lan cafe, and saw this on many servers. Specifically, the T's would buy a grenade, explode it underneath their bodies, propel themselves on the "roof", and shoot CT's by walking on the part of the roof that overlooks the CT side of the bridge. They are extremely difficult to hit because only part of their body actually appears, so, they have a distinct advantage.

Being an old school CS player, I am getting tired of these little exploits that people are using. If that part of the map was meant to be used, they would have mapped it all out instead of leaving that upper area basically "blank".

It totally killed the gameplay, and once again, it didn't take long for people to figure it out.

I am hopefull, I just saw that this was posted today by Gabe, expected to be fixed tommorow:

» Can't create a listen server behind a NAT (you get a ticket error)
» First time you launch the game, the material for the launcher background doesn't load
» You can jump into the sky brush using a grenade» Crash in the vphysics code
» Missing +ip command-line argument
» Memory corruption in the server browser
» Some hardware specific configuration issues
Yeah, Valve already knows about this and is supposed to fix it tomorrow. Whats the problem?
Yeah I hope So too. As I live in Aus it isint really out anywhere so when It does I hope they have the good versions of it.
Hopefully they still allow you to blow the crap out of yourself, it is very fun and even better on enemies. If all goes well they will simply edit the map (or engine) so it's not possible to boost yourself up there.
i found some exploits, reported it to valve, but that grenade thing you said, wont work, since someone tried it, and died flying back
Gabe already posted about these exploits and other bugs, they are supposed to release a patch today.
yeah thats the whole idea of the beta - to find exploits/bugs/problems so that they can be fixed for the final verion. nothing to worry about - this is exactly whats meant to happen!
Good job for reporting it Alpha, at least there will be no loopholes left in the final version if we have ppl like yourself acting responsibly rather than using the "Muhahah! I have found a expliot! If I keep it to myself I will seriously pwn!" mind set ;)
Well good thing that it was found and reported then!
VALVe themselves cannot test for stuff like this so it is up to us to find as many bugs as possible. try anything and everything guys, because if it isn't found now in the beta then it will probably still exist in the full game which would be hell.
Valve needs to implement a 'death brush' and put them on top of buildings and fill the sky with one, etc etc, to prevent this sort of thing anyway. If in the rare event that someone actually reached those places by a method not yet found by the testers, they'd die instantly.

The opposite of that was what was cool about Halo, everything supported collision detection so you could get to weird places and still be able to stand, yet in unreal 2k4, there were blocking brushes to prevent that. In Halo, single pleyer it didn't matter, and it made sense in the multiplayer world of unreal.

Anyway, I think that these maps need more blocking brushes and death brushes to prevent access to the outside of a map.
Hopefully this will be fixed today.. like in a couple of hours.. cuz im going to a nearby cafe.
I believe you should still be able to propel yourself up there, its part of the game.. however you should be DEAD and ragdolled. hahah