de_officeblock re-release (fixed version)


Aug 19, 2004
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Phew. What a fiasco.

I've finally managed to fix most of the issues in my map and I've now re-released it.


- You can now survive the bomb blast if you are far enough away
- Fixed FPS issues on stairs
- Fixed boundry problems
- Fixed brush issues on stairs and doors









Its not amazingly detailed like some maps but thats because its my first and I was learning as I went along. Thanks to all that have given me tips.

I want to get on with my next project, in which I will using more advanced methods.

This map is in rotation on our server. (UK)

Anyway, give it a try if you want. You can contact me on our webby,

Nothing wrong with the pillars.

I've looked at so-called displacment pillars and they look exactly the same.
looks like an improvement over the last time I saw it, but you still need to fix those stairs. You should not have the same texture on the sides as the top and frontside you see going up them. They arent sized properly either. A suggestion so you can see what I am talking about, open up the cobble vmf file and look at the stairs in that map to get the size correct. Should be double the depth to 1/2 the height. Check the cobble vmf to see what I am talking about though. -Dj
Stairs are 8x12x64 which is the standard as far as im aware. I read it in the SDK forums.

The texture for the front of the step is the same as the top, you align it to to the bottom of the texture to get the lip of the stair and align it to top to get the stair surface. And the texture aligns perfectly, so the sizes must be correct.

And if I had double the depth to half the height as you say, the would not raise enough over distance, thus making the heigh between one stair case and anothr too small. So small infact that the play would not be able to pass through.

I could change the side textures to something else, don't know what tho.

I don't get what you're on about.
Just look at the ones in cobble and you will see what I mean, the step should be longer than it is in distance up to the next step.

___| I guess thats what I am getting at. And drop them down to the floor, it looks odd how they just seem unsupported.
omg ive searched for ever for that celing texture in the office..AND I CANT FIND IT!!!!!!!!11 can u PLZ tell me the name PLZ.