Dead 6 C130 Added


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Well, we finished up another vehicle to go public, this time it is pretty much done, and ready for game coding (that wonderful day we can actually do that...).

And here i present...

The Nod C-130 Aircraft.

This plane "may or maynot" be flyable, but you will be able to low altitude parachute from it, as well as recieving cargo & supply drops from it.


Nice that you modelled the inside. Though the textures on the outside of the plane make my eyes hurt.
Originally posted by ray_MAN

Nice that you modelled the inside. Though the textures on the outside of the plane make my eyes hurt.

black camo makes your eyes hurt o_O
LOL not it's not the zebras. It's just that the camo should be on a pitch black background.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
LOL not it's not the zebras. It's just that the camo should be on a pitch black background.

Uhm, it is isn't it?
Whoops meant to say, "Should not be on a pitch black background."
Are you edified now? And to stop the next question in it's tracks, this version is 4500 polys, it will be optimised down from this depending on usage, i.e. if it's a bit of scenery on the tarmac then the insides will be chopped out.

ignore them dude ! :p
it's totally cool, really nice model/texture job whoever did it, i want one in my mod! :p
I don mind, it's only a moments rendering. Tho I'm back on to weapons again now, so next time you see the herc, with a bit of luck it'll be in game.