Dead Heat achivement: easier then I thought


Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
There I was Pyroing on Gravelpit, taking an opportunity when for once there weren't other pyros, and I was ambushing a demoman right outside the drop-down from BLU spawn to A, at the shack, he fired a sticky at the ground, but I airblasted it at him, in desperation (I was low on health by that point). He detonated, killing us both.


Since I reflected it, I got the kill, and the little airblast kill icon. Since I died pretty much when he did, I got the Dead Heat achievement! And I'd thought that it would be an incredible piece of luck for an enemy to die of burn damage less then 1 second after he killed me, when really it doesn't have to do with the flamethrower at all!

Sure made my day, and brought me a step closer to the axtinguisher.

I believe that same match, when I was on Defense, I won the game for our team by airblasting people off C.

Damn the enemy was pissed when we won (alltalk was on) the usual stuff about pyros being overpowered now. (But they forgot that the vanilla flamethrower doesn't give extra health, I was a standard pyro!)

Now just to reflect a critical rocket, that's gonna be tricky, I've had 3 near misses already. :hmph:

Very nice :D...

I had to get real lucky at that achievement :( Congrats!
Just goes to show you can't belive everything you read. :cough: TF2wiki :cough:
The guy's just done reporting one of his experiences as a pyro, there's nothing wrong with such a thing.

Go make a new thread if it offends you soooooo much.

I wasnt offended at all. I just couldnt really think of anything decent to say is all, so I just said it was very nice! :D
Congratulations :thumbs:

For me it was like:
I was killing a pyro with the axe. When I killed him suddenly a crit rocket kills me and I get the achievement D:
Lawl, most classes are surprisingly fragile, there's a tonne of time people die within a couple of seconds of my death thanks to delicious burn damage.