Dead Rising 2 trailer

Ahahahaha, loved the moose bit. How large of an open world is this supposed to have?
All this wacky stuff with moose heads and chainsaws is fun, but I much preferred playing Dead Rising as a more serious character with a pistol and whatever else practical weapons I could find.

Not to say I won't be exploring all the games weapons and features at some point, but I'm looking forward to playing this in the same style as I did the first. I want to play it now but my copy is at a friends house... Very annoying.
This game needs co-op. Seriously. I don't even care if it's not co-op story mode or whatever - just give me a sandbox full of zombies and equipment and the opputunity for a friend to jump in and I'll be happy for hours.
I just hope that it's not timed again. I hated that.
yeah, and the saves were horrible. this could have been such a great game but for me a lot of decade old issues plagued the game
I just hope that it's not timed again. I hated that.
I actually liked how the whole game was schedualed and the save system really fitted the zombie apocalypse setting. You have to find somewhere safe before you can sit down and rest or you get eaten while you slept.