Dead Rising 2


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
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There have been a few rumours about a sequel to Dead Rising floating around and according to this site Famitsu has mentioned it in a recent article. I know some people who didn't get on with Dead Rising (crazy, weird people), but to me it was easily one of the better games of recent years (certainly of last year) and as such this is rather exciting news :)

A more forgiving save system would be nice and some way to ignore/turn off your mobile would also be welcome. Other than that, more of the same pls, perhaps with coop (!!). Sandbox Zombie killing ftmfw!
I loved dead rising, but I hated the boss fights. Seemed a little too comical at some parts, aswell as teeth grindling hard/frustrating.

But aside from a near broken window, TV and controller, I did enjoy it.
I think a Dead Rising with all the kinks ironed out would be one of the best things ever. I loved renting it, but I could never justify a purchase with the sheer level of frustration it induces.
Release on something that isn't a 360 damnit!
I never found Dead Rising frustrating - other than the constant bloody phone ringing - and found the idea of a very short game that's meant to be completed over and over, each time armed with more knowledge of its workings, to be very refreshing. I especially like the way it doesn't matter if you fail a mission. Infact, I think the strict time limits and challenge are there for just this reason - we're meant to fail at first, only to come back stronger and get it done right next time. You just have to compare someone's first play through (usually a hedonisitic bloodbath of getting lost and failing missions) to their last (cutting efficient paths through hordes of zombies while leading big groups of people to safety) to see how much variety and stuff to do there is in Dead Rising. It's a game that takes 8 hours to complete with a 100 hours worth of gameplay :)
i love Dead Rising too
hopefully they can approve upon on already solid game by fixing the save system and improving AI (not the zombies of course, theyre supposed to be dumb :P)
it would be wicked to see CO OP in a sequel too
imagine slaying thousands upon thousands of zombies... with a FRIEND!!
This is one of my favorite, if not my favorite game on the 360
If they do decide to make a Dead Rising 2..please let it be staged in a entire city.
Frustration comes in with having to save constantly and getting into random situations that had no obvious solution. Early in the game theres very few guns hanging around, and unless you know exactly where they're stashed or that they even exist then you're never going to defeat most of the bosses.
But thats the whole point - you explore the mall on the first few play throughs and discover where everything is for the next time. My mate was the same - he'd spend ages getting lost and searching around in the mall and often miss quest deadlines. Queue loading a previous save point and moaning about having to do sections again. Dead Rising isn't designed to be played this way. You can't see and do everything first time around - and even if you could that would take away many hours of happy gaming. It's meant to be played with hindsight and completed over and over - hence it being so short.
If they do decide to make a Dead Rising 2..please let it be staged in a entire city.

YES! Also make them have vehicles and shit, a la GTA. Imagine trying to run down a city street that's crowded from side to side with zombies. Although it would be more difficult to implement the "use anything as a weapon" gameplay.
They had cars and vans etc in Dead Rising. Driving through the underground system and literally mowing down 1000's and 1000's of zombies was the first experence I had of this generastion that really felt 'next gen'.

As long as the streets are packed with shops and zombies, Dead Rising in a town could be excellent :)
never....played... :( I want to, it's a freaking ZOMBIE game!
i'm really interested in getting dead rising, i'm not big into zombie flicks or anything but the game looked like alot of fun, i'm kinda bored with my 360 atm, i dont have much time to play it but would like a new game, all i have is gears of war, cod3 and graw and im sick of shooters tbh...

need something different, how exactly does the save system work? whats replay value like?
Bought it along with my 360.
It's fun game on so many levels.I Agree though.
The time limit and boss fights make it really frustrating.
I adore Dead Rising it's my most played 360 game. I'm in my 1st play through and i'm at level 32 on the case where Carlito goes w/ the butcher.

Honostly I don't use the guns much anyways, and it's quite obvious where to get them when you look at the map.

the gun store, duh.

I found that the clowns chainsaws are the most effective, and i found 2 books that helped make them last longer, but I try and save them in my inv. for the boss fights, so i can make quick easy work of them, and use other weapons for the normal zombies
need something different, how exactly does the save system work?

To save you either have to find a toilet (don't ask me :)) or return to the 'safe zone'. Of course, this means you have to find where the toilets are first, which is pretty much how everything in Dead Rising works. The thing that many found annoying is only being bale to save once. Personally, I think this was the right move by Capcom - multiple saves wouldn't encourage the kind of play they intended.

whats replay value like?

Superb. Dead Rising is a very short game, but one that is meant to be completed more than once (i've finished the game around 6 or 7 times now - seeing all the endings and squeezing as much fun as I could out of the mall)

You start as a complete wuss - low health, power, no decent moves and no knowledge of the mall (which is your most powerful tool). Once you complete the game you get to start again without losing your level. Now missions that you failed previously become easier - you're stronger, have some awesome moves, and know where to go and where the good weapons and food are. You'll probably still fail a few, or not do them - the beauty of this game is you can do and wear whatever you like (if you like you can murder all the innocents and take picutres of them while wearing only your pants :)). By the 3rd or 4th time the mall has changed from this huge, daunting place, filled to the brim with zombies to try and escape from, into a death zone! You'll be efficiently breezing though missions, rescuing trapped people, arming them with nasty weapons and slaughtering your way from shop to shop - stopping to eat and baricade the doors, before charging out and inching your way to the next safe area.

Once you get in the mindset that you're not meant to do everything first time around, that failing missions and losing people to the zombies is part of the fun, it all starts to make sense. I know I go on a bit, but I really love this game.
Dead Rising was the reason I bought a 360, and it was a damn good choice. Running through the underground parking lot cutting through everything and everyone with the mini chainsaws was one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.
See, I'm not a fan of seeing the same thing go by again so quickly. I've said this before in the GOW thread, but when I watch an episode of Lost, I can't rewatch that episode again the next day. No, I have to wait, otherwise it's just... blurgh I dunno.

I understand the system of playing behind Dead Rising, and I did go through it once, fail, learn then repeat and this time actually beat the game through. Granted, there were things I didn't do (I didn't fight Cletus, I just waited til he left, and the first time I fought Adam whereas the second time I didn't - it was hard getting those people around without that shortcut I tell you!) but after that first play through I had seen pretty much everything. I knew the bosses weren't going to get any better, and after my second playthough, I was right.

Maybe the game would of been easier using the weapons like the PowerMan gun thingy or whatever, but I didn't find any fun in that. I liked stocking up on firearms and the odd blunt object and finding survivors. The whole 'hundreds of weapons' thing was great, but honestly, at times it felt too comical and 'fun' with weapons like giant teddies and umbrellas. I'm more into the darker stuff - Resident Evil, The Walking Dead comics, Day of the Dead (as opposed to Dawn which, too, felt too soft and comical at parts), etc.

Basically, I did find that kind of stuff in the mall in 'skirmishes', if you will. Everthing else - the story, the bosses, most of the weapons and the location just didn't intrest me. The bosses mainly - goddamn some of them were dumb. Some of them just felt so out of place.
I think you know if you're gonna fall for Dead Rising straight away (I actually spent longer playing the Dead Rising demo than I did playing HL2!). Knowing what's going to hapen next was never a problem because I found all the fun to be in the playing itself.

The humour, bosses, gore, all works. Hours seem to drift along simply by throwing pies at zombies and burning their faces off with frying pans. I'm also quite an old school gamer at heart and the lure of the perfect run (be it saving every person and completing all the missions, or finding every weapon/book/item of clothing) was just too strong.

If Dead Rising 2 can give us more of the same, but on a larger scale and with improved friendly ai, it'll be very special (and probably my goty).
I've only gotten Ending B, but from what I've heard......


In Ending A/B whatever, it's suggested that a mass outbreak occurs all across the United States.
I'm gonna rent it sometime soon, play the shit out of it for a week and return it. I think I'll be able to get my max enjoyment out of it by then. I played the demo for like 3+ hours, but got tired of the same weapons and area. I figure the game will be a good rent.

In Ending A/B whatever, it's suggested that a mass outbreak occurs all across the United States.

Yeah basically...


Basically when your heli gets there it crashes but Esmerelda (Was that her name) Rescues but lolomg you got bit, but you have some kind of super zombie resistance since you haven't turned yet. She tells you to go find some queen bees or something to make a cure. In the meantime you find out Carlito infected a bunch of orphans with a dormant version of the virus, so there basically walking time bombs. After fighting off military and what not you get out of the mall. It tells you that you got the photos to the public, but its pretty much forgotten by the next week as old news. Doesn't say whether the Government took actions with the orphans or not.
I wouldn't mind having to repeat the game over and over again since its all about killing zombies anyway, but the game limits your movement and access to certain things. For instance, I got bogged down in one part where I couldn't cross the park due to the convicts, essentially trapping me in that particular corner of the mall since not all the security gates were open. After hours of fruitless searching and messing about with stuff I finally go online and find that the only way to kill the convicts (something I wasn't even sure was possible) was using a gun, and the only available one was stashed somewhere in a fountain that I had overlooked.
Or you could just run through the park, avoiding the jeep, and get guns from the gun shop, or use the sniper rifles the redneck familly try to kill you with.
the best advice i can give to people playing Dead Rising for the first time is BE PATIENT
it starts off a little slow and quite difficult at level 1 but give it a chance
once you get familiar with the mall and how to play, you'll really enjoy it
id rather them devote themselves to a new game
There'll be a sequel, it's one of the best 360 games to come out so far, I doubt they'd just let the franchise die
there aren't alot of good games out, i have 1 game i play every now and then, saints row.....

any other game i either hate or have gotten tired of
Or you could just run through the park, avoiding the jeep, and get guns from the gun shop, or use the sniper rifles the redneck familly try to kill you with.

I tried running about a dozen times and got nailed before I ever made it, although I did get close once or twice. And I never even saw the redneck family.