Dead Space secret code?

Dead Space 2 marketing, I'll bet. Maybe not though.
It's for an in-game bonus.

Not that significant either way.
WHAT THE **** DOES THIS DO? Can't seem to find the characters.

And before anyone says Google it, shut the **** up.
WHAT THE **** DOES THIS DO? Can't seem to find the characters.

And before anyone says Google it, shut the **** up.
Google is worthless anyway, ever since this thread was started I've regularly tried googling and searching the big game forums that have Dead Space sections, but to no avail.:\
That's it!?:(

I was hoping for some actual message sorta like all the chinese etc symbols in Assassin's Creed.:(

Naw. But as you can base off the ending, there is definitely going to be a sequel. It's been officially stated as far as I know. I think there was even talk of a possible movie deal with the developer as well.
Well yeah that I know, there has already been a movie and a succesfull comic book series, and I know for a fact there are at least two additional MAIN games planned(I.e. Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3)

I was a bit dissappointed by the ending though, the developers had stated they would NOT have a cliffhanger ending in the game but a "proper ending".
You guys do know that all those alien symbols you see all over the ship can be translated, right?

In one of the chapters, you see a character map written in blood on one of the ship's "entering blah blah area" signs. It basically has every symbol and it's translation to the english character set.

So you can translate all those alien scribblings on the walls.
Sweet mother of Jaysus I'm not going back to do that.

...but it is so tempting.
Judging from some videos, there are neat weapons I am not taking advantage of, can I get some suggestions?

Right now I have the Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, and Flamethrower.

I hate the Pulse Rifle and want to sell it, any suggestions on what to get? I think right now at the store there is the Ripper, Line Gun, and Force Gun.... maybe the contact beam too, not sure ( I am on level 6)
Judging from some videos, there are neat weapons I am not taking advantage of, can I get some suggestions?

Right now I have the Plasma Cutter, Pulse Rifle, and Flamethrower.

I hate the Pulse Rifle and want to sell it, any suggestions on what to get? I think right now at the store there is the Ripper, Line Gun, and Force Gun.... maybe the contact beam too, not sure ( I am on level 6)

The Pulse Rifle is actually pretty good, especially the secondary fire if you have a lot of ammo. But you definitely need the Ripper, it'll rip them a new one. But seriously you should get it, if you upgrade the duration you can really do a lot of damage.
I never got used to the Pulse Rifle to tell you the truth or the Flamethrower for that matter. You'll always want to keep the Plasma Cutter of course, and definitely get the Ripper for those small "headcrab" type things. Though I think the strongest weapon, for me at least, was the Line Gun. That weapon took out basically anything. You should definitely buy the Contact Beam when you can too; its great for the bosses.
The only reason I've kept the flamethrower was for the baby headcrab looking things, other than that I almost never use it. Does the ripper take care of them better?

Seriously! I mean, it's basically the shotgun. That gun alone is the reason I had the patience to finish it on Impossible.
Force Gun is a beast. Easiest way to take down the Tall Men and Pregnants without them exploding into detachable limbs or little bug things.
Hmm I'm on Chapter 8 atm and only have the Plasma Cutter and Pulse Rifle. I sold my Ripper coz I never used it and the blades were taking up space. With the money I then upgraded the Plasma cutter which kills most things with 3 good shots.
I liked the Pulse Rifle, too. When it's upgraded it's pretty good in short, controlled bursts against most creatures if you're aiming for the right limbs. It also looks cool as **** to back down a corridor spraying an unstoppable force of grotesque beasties as they lumber towards you.
Bought the Force Gun just now. Good when I'm surrounded.