Dear God, more Moderators, please!


Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Ever since the release of HL2, there seems to have been a heavy influx of people on the forums who have a complete lack of intelligence. I'm refering to the people who just copy-and-paste the same 4 words 100 times in a post (such as "youaregay youaregay). Not to mention all the doubble threads being posted, asking the same question that was addressed not even 10 posts down the list.

Most of the terrible antics that some spam-arific people take part in happen late at night (atleased it's late night here in the US), when there apparently aren't alot of Mods or Admins around.

This is why I beseech the Admins to hire more Moderators with the ability to ban users. All too often I'll be here and see some of this garbage go on for hours... with no action taken against the people who attempt to turn this forum into a cesspool of spam (Steam Forums anyone)?

So please... for the love of [insert deity here], lets get some more people to help out.

Thanks. :thumbs:
There's like a certain time-framw where there doesn't seem to be any mods's pretty early in the morning GMT, around 12-4am.
Thatll be because a heavy ammount of the mods are from a certain country - allowing them only free time at certain parts of the day. I don't, therefore, recommend any mods being assigned, but look more towords some people who are available at times others aren't
Well the thing is, there is us and uk moderators for a reason, and most are probably busy atm, life comes first after-all. We all knew this was going to happen, it was just a matter of time before it happened.
WhiteZero said:
Ever since the release of HL2, there seems to have been a heavy influx of people on the forums who have a complete lack of intelligence. I'm refering to the people who just copy-and-paste the same 4 words 100 times in a post (such as "youaregay youaregay). Not to mention all the doubble threads being posted, asking the same question that was addressed not even 10 posts down the list.

Most of the terrible antics that some spam-arific people take part in happen late at night (atleased it's late night here in the US), when there apparently aren't alot of Mods or Admins around.

This is why I beseech the Admins to hire more Moderators with the ability to ban users. All too often I'll be here and see some of this garbage go on for hours... with no action taken against the people who attempt to turn this forum into a cesspool of spam (Steam Forums anyone)?

So please... for the love of Tor and Fernis, lets get some more people to help out.

Thanks. :thumbs:

I totally agree with you White Zero. Also, since most idiotic and spam filled posts are in the late night (According to the US). Other countries, with better suited timezones are perfect for this situation. When you are sleeping I am awake and vice versa, if you are asking to be a mod I suggest you don't. Otherwise, you will never be one

[Removed comment]
AFAIK most of the mods are from the UK.
they have to sleep sometimes, so late at night (here in Europe that is) the forum can be slightly uncontrolled.
we need mode mods from the other side of the planet, so when european staff goes to sleep they can retake control.
that's it
It's not half as bad as you guys think it is. The moderators from the none UK timezones are doing a lot of cleaning up (you can't see what gets deleted) Anything that does get missed, since yeah, real life comes first. Usually gets picked up shortly after.

It's definately under control though. I don't think we need anymore mods now, we've got plenty and things are better organised now.

Also, you've got two camps. One who thinks we should be more strict, one who doesn't. Can't please one without pissing off the other. So we try to remain in the middle to keep as many people happy as possible. But don't worry, tolerance is down to minimum and you'll find the annoying ones are being removed instantly without any warnings anymore. Which so far has been working really well.

I'd be more worried about the news, or lack of *hides from Chris_D who isn't finding TDE's constant sniping at the news team funny anymore* :p

Just remember, the report feature is your friend.

Lets see

Asus, Bliink, Dedatorv, qckbeam, Spud, Synth, Sidewinder - those are all none UK moderators.

All the admins are UK based, the rest of us are UK / Europe.

So we've definately got the other timezones covered.
The Dark Elf said:
We try to remain in the middle to keep as many people happy as possible. But don't worry, tolerance is down to minimum and you'll find the annoying ones are being removed instantly without any warnings anymore. Which so far has been working really well.

Well, it's nice to know that is trying to keep things even between 'The 2 camps'. More mods will be good but what will happen if the mods become corrupt and obbsevively spam and abuses his powers without being noticed? No offence when I ask this though

"Never anger a dragon after you woke it up"

Speaking of spam, all this reminded me of the '***** owns j00' spam that went around for a while... :|

I didn't know myg0 t was censored
Danimal said:
Well, it's nice to know that is trying to keep things even between 'The 2 camps'. More mods will be good but what will happen if the mods become corrupt and obbsevively spam and abuses his powers without being noticed? No offence when I ask this though

"Never anger a dragon after you woke it up"

Speaking of spam, all this reminded me of the '***** owns j00' spam that went around for a while... :|

I didn't know myg0 t was censored
All the current staff are good moderators. Belive me, if any of them weren't I'd be the first to complain loudly about it lol.

Right now all of them are doing a good job. So things are fine. It's actually been pretty calm on the forums, ok a bit of spammage from newbies the first couple of days, and we still get the odd twat who tries to advertise some lame site, but we've had that for months anyway and those are getting deleted/banned pretty quickly.

But its generally ok now. Bad threads/posts are sorted shortly after they've been reported, or just generally fixed when we see them.

Just remember, reported posts will have a better chance of being seen than those that aren't.
There is already enough mods, theres about 10-15, on different timezones too, so it works out, but other things besides a forum come first..TDE just spams too much ;)
Danimal said:
Well, it's nice to know that is trying to keep things even between 'The 2 camps'. More mods will be good but what will happen if the mods become corrupt and obbsevively spam and abuses his powers without being noticed? No offence when I ask this though

We'd notice.

As TDE says, it's pretty calm now, with things being dealt with very quickly. We haven't had any spam attacks now since we quashed the last one within minutes of it starting (go team!) and it's really just random trolling that we have to keep an eye on.
Oh, Thanks. Zerimski.

This is all making sense now. So WhiteZero was wrong? You won't be needing any more mods?
Not at the moment, however that could change in the future of course.