Death realism?


Aug 7, 2004
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How realistic is death going to be? If you throw a grenade at a combine and it blows up right on him will he still be all in one piece when he dies?and i was wondering if enemys can get wounded like if you shoot a combine in the leg will he limp around? or will he scream if you can blow off limbs?
I don't think there has been talk on dismemberant..
i think they stated there aren't going to be any gibs or falling of limbs or anything. If the grenade goes off near him it'll just send the combine flying off in one piece.
could it be possible for mods to have disemberment?
Hmm interesting question... if you shot their fingers will each fly off? Then can you grab them with your manipulator and proceed to pick the dead body's nose?

The possibilities of it all!
If there is gibbing, it'll be the ol' body explode gibbing I expect... no one-leggers...
There will be.. ive seen it in the movies where the zombie headcrab scientist gets cut in half.

One even blew himself up with the exploding barrel so he could get down low enough to avoid the spinning blade and attack you.
i suppose mods could do it and pretty realistically :)

hey letters, i now like your avatar :)
mods for gibs will be out within a week of release...

the antlions do zombies...
I don't think i would liek seeing limbs flyin off...

meh it would be a cool freature to have =D
I want a sex mode with gibs, though it would kinda suck watching someone's penis cut off by a blade or bullet.
To be honest, in terms of "death realism" I would be happy for a game where hitting some guy with 4 or 5 rounds of about anything would drop them. I hate games where you unload a clip of ammo into a guy and he stands there going ow ow ow ow ow, then turns and runs away.

Granted, the newer versions of bullet proof vests are getting much better, but I refuse to believe that every guy in the world is outfitted with one. I'd also be happy to see it work both ways. If I hit a guy in the head with a round, I do not expect him to die instantly. I DO, however, expect him to be out of the fight.

Ahh well.. I'm old and jaded, but that's one thing I would still like to see. Kevlar or no.. a few rounds of any high powered rifle will change your mind about returning fire...hehe.
NJD2003 said:
I want a sex mode with gibs, though it would kinda suck watching someone's penis cut off by a blade or bullet.

Ok, I hope flying cut penises is somewhere on the bottom on Valve's 'How to Improve Gameplay' list.
NJD2003 said:
I hope its at the top... you know, for fun.

We need to get our prioreties right. Before we have flying genetelia, at least let's get bouncy boobs in there. I mean Source was soley created for that right :)
lazicsavo said:
We need to get our prioreties right. Before we have flying genetelia, at least let's get bouncy boobs in there. I mean Source was soley created for that right :)
Physics at it's best my friend. :naughty:
This is all leading up to the patented "Nude Alyx Mod" isn't it? I knew you people were warped and twisted!

Lemme know when it's done. shhhhhhhhh
The technical term is "animation blending" ;)
Rafa 5.0 said:
more like "animation penetration and lubrication"
Sounds like Team Domination Creation Station Nation I saw playing on Arena (G4TechTV) once. :|
Rafa 5.0 said:
more like "animation penetration and lubrication"

So this is what happens when Half-Life 2 withdrawl reaches its final stage: we turn Source into a sex toy. Tk tk tk.
Stop it, stop it, stop!!!!, all this -ation i confusing me, need to format ma brain...
lazicsavo said:
So this is what happens when Half-Life 2 withdrawl reaches its final stage: we turn Source into a sex toy. Tk tk tk.

SEX TOY?!? You mean SEX MACHINE :thumbs:
Get it back on topic you retarded hormonal teens.

I didn't really care about gore and flying limbs and whatnot until I played Doom 3. There are some really cool gore effects in that game. I shot a zombie in the head and the top half of his head came off but he was still alive and kept on walking! There was nothing left of him above his bottom row of teeth.

Saying that, it probably wouldn't fit in with Half Life, but we'll have to see. I do remember that HL1 had some really cool gibbing effects for it's time.
In Doom 3 you pulvarize the entire skull of the zombie (front and back), but somehow the brain still manages to pop out and survive. Damn that jumpy brain.
iamaelephant said:
Get it back on topic you retarded hormonal teens.

I didn't really care about gore and flying limbs and whatnot until I played Doom 3. There are some really cool gore effects in that game. I shot a zombie in the head and the top half of his head came off but he was still alive and kept on walking! There was nothing left of him above his bottom row of teeth.

Saying that, it probably wouldn't fit in with Half Life, but we'll have to see. I do remember that HL1 had some really cool gibbing effects for it's time.

I'd like to see it somewhere between HL1 and the gore system of soldier of fortune 2. Doesn't have to be trite and ridiculous... just lemme know that the guy I just hit is truly injured. :)
gokumike said:
How realistic is death going to be?

Tell you what, goku-person, when you get killed in cs, someone will walk up to you at your computer and shoot you. Then you can all tell us if it's the same. That way, everybody wins.
Jynx_77 said:
Hmm interesting question... if you shot their fingers will each fly off? Then can you grab them with your manipulator and proceed to pick the dead body's nose?

The possibilities of it all!

LMFAO!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I would like to see gore, but not to the extent that it looks rediculous. A human body should not break into pieces if I shoot it 5 times with a shotgun. Arms and legs breaking off would be suitable for the damage taken by an explosion.

Iamelephant - Are you sure that you can shoot off zombie heads in Doom 3? I don't recall being able to blow off parts of zombies with them still being 'alive.' Even when they are dead, they just shatter all at once if you keep hitting them. The headless zombie is one of the many zombie models in the game.
there's a reason why the combine didn't gib and the antlions did...

you must wait for the game to see.. muhhahhahahaah
alan8325 said:
Iamelephant - Are you sure that you can shoot off zombie heads in Doom 3? I don't recall being able to blow off parts of zombies with them still being 'alive.' Even when they are dead, they just shatter all at once if you keep hitting them. The headless zombie is one of the many zombie models in the game.

I definately did what I described, but maybe it is something that happens rarely, or only with one of the zombie models. I've only seen it once.
I blew off a zombies head early in the game, but only once as well. Must have been scripted? The gib animation (notice the singular) in Doom III is absolute crap. For a game about horror they really messed that up. I laughed at how pathetic is was when I was talking to a maintenance worker early in the game and I punched him once and he dies, but at that point I was like O.K. so hes a trained space marine or something, its possible. But when I punched the dead body and the dude's brain popped out and his body turned into a bloody skeleton that dissolves I was Rolling on the Floor Laughing.

Just imagine these guys at a bar and they are talking to each other about the fights they've had...
"Yeah so I was in an alleyway and this one dude was trying to take my money off me, ya know, In Newark, so I punched him once and that killed him instantly".
" Wow, thats hard shit".
"Yeah, but then I punched his dead body and his brain popped out of his skull... and then he turned into a skeleton with blood on it".
"Yeah, then the skeleton dissolved seconds later".
" Sounds like what happened when my bitch forgot to cook my dinner by 5:30 last night".
richpull100 said:
Just imagine these guys at a bar and they are talking to each other about the fights they've had...
"Yeah so I was in an alleyway and this one dude was trying to take my money off me, ya know, In Newark, so I punched him once and that killed him instantly".
" Wow, thats hard shit".
"Yeah, but then I punched his dead body and his brain popped out of his skull... and then he turned into a skeleton with blood on it".
"Yeah, then the skeleton dissolved seconds later".
" Sounds like what happened when my bitch forgot to cook my dinner by 5:30 last night".

and then they give each other a hearty slap on the back and.....
dude, how awesome would it be if you had a sword an you could hack a combine's gun arm off?

then they'd be grabbing at their stump of an arm and you could kick em while they're down!

or even a highpowered rifle should be able to put a hole through some baddies...
Word on gibbing...

Sorta off topic... But...

In hl1, did you guys ever use Impulse102 to shoot gibs out of yourself in multiplayer?

I remember at a LAN me and my friend bound it to like, P or something and decimated everyone's computer by gibbing at them constantly...

Imagine what a river of gibs would be like... with... realistic physics... :eek:
I hope so, I mean even Vietcong had dismemberment, and it worked pretty well.
But with HL2 physics? Woooooooooooheee!
gokumike said:
How realistic is death going to be?
It'll be so realistic you'll swear there is no difference between dying in the game and dying in real life.
You'll say to yourself. "Wow! They did an awesome job on realism. Death is JUST like that in real life!"
