

Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
1 out of every 113 people die every year.
This forum has 16382 members (at last count).
Approximately 145 members will die this year.
Assuming 5% of the members post regularly, 7 regular posters will die this year.
Good night and think happy thoughts.

Fine Print: I reserve the right to manipulate statistics to fit my agenda.
Depends on where you live. Almost all members here life in the First World, and therefore the death expectancy will be lower than the world's average.
The_Monkey said:
Depends on where you live. Almost all members here life in the First World, and therefore the death expectancy will be lower than the world's average.
Fine Print: I reserve the right to manipulate statistics to fit my agenda.
Read the fine print.
lol JellyWorld, got a little free time on our hands do we? :)
I heard a very depressing death statistic the other day..

Apparently at least one person you went to school with in your class (Of arround 30) will die before you reach the age of 30. :(
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Apparently at least one person you went to school with in your class (Of arround 30) will die before you reach the age of 30. :(

Thank God!
Uplifting thread you've got here.
Oh statistics, what won't you conjur up and manipulate!
There's a forumite here, namely NJD-something who probably is gone right now, he said he had cancer and only had until about christmas last year to live.
Very uplifting i agree!! Oh well....we are all gunna die sum time, no point in thinkin about it...
This topic tastes good with cottage cheese.
There's a forumite here, namely NJD-something who probably is gone right now, he said he had cancer and only had until about christmas last year to live.

Was he the guy that tried to get us all to send him a free computer?
we will never know!!!!!

i'm not affraid of death unless its a really boring death like getting killed by a giant steam roller,

now dying in a massive fireball due to major pyromania, thats how i want to go:)
'm not affraid of death unless its a really boring death like getting killed by a giant steam roller,

That doesn't sound very boring. :p
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I heard a very depressing death statistic the other day..

Apparently at least one person you went to school with in your class (Of arround 30) will die before you reach the age of 30. :(

Already happened, junior year. Some girl in my class committed suicide. ;(
Joims said:
we will never know!!!!!

i'm not affraid of death unless its a really boring death like getting killed by a giant steam roller,

now dying in a massive fireball due to major pyromania, thats how i want to go:)

I always wanted to die a quick death. Like jumping off a building, getting shot in the skull, stuff like that. I'd prefer the jumping out of a plane..have them radio to me "YOU FORGOT YOUR PARACHEUT!"
*Radio Silence*

All in all, I'm one of those guys that really....doesn't care about dying, cause life is very over-rated.
I know this was prefaced as being BS, but consider the average age of a forum member. I'm sure the death rate for Internet-using males age 14-24 is much rarer than 1 in 113...
MuToiD_MaN said:
I know this was prefaced as being BS, but consider the average age of a forum member. I'm sure the death rate for Internet-using males age 14-24 is much rarer than 1 in 113...

Yeah, Internet-using is the key word there. Nothing safer. :)
well it is quite boring i mean its like yay o crap look i trapped under a steamroller being crushed dw the pain witll end soon

or Boom varrooommhhhhhh FLAMES!!! :flame: ah ah fire wheoo look how big it is, oh crap i left the gasoline barrel by the fire BOOOOOOOOOOM

in heaven with smoking arse,

st peter: do i need to ask?

me: No, but do u get fire in Heaven?
Joims said:
well it is quite boring i mean its like yay o crap look i trapped under a steamroller being crushed dw the pain witll end soon

or Boom varrooommhhhhhh FLAMES!!! :flame: ah ah fire wheoo look how big it is, oh crap i left the gasoline barrel by the fire BOOOOOOOOOOM

in heaven with smoking arse,

st peter: do i need to ask?

me: No, but do u get fire in Heaven?

wtf. lol
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I heard a very depressing death statistic the other day..

Apparently at least one person you went to school with in your class (Of arround 30) will die before you reach the age of 30. :(

It's already happened to me. :( Poor bloke.
I'm so manly, I die for fun, then come back to life, then die two more times just because I can.
xLostx said:
I'm so manly, I die for fun, then come back to life, then die two more times just because I can.
Why does this remind me of Jesus Christ Supercop?
No one close to me (or at least have met in person) has ever died.
Seeings that that statistic is probably heavily influanced by natural-causes death (old age) and the members on this forum are between 14 - 35 (or so), I don't see that statistic being accurate at all for this forum.
JellyWorld said:
1 out of every 113 people die every year.
This forum has 16382 members (at last count).
Approximately 145 members will die this year.
Assuming 5% of the members post regularly, 7 regular posters will die this year.
Good night and think happy thoughts.

Fine Print: I reserve the right to manipulate statistics to fit my agenda.
I bet most of those people that die are old, and no one here is over 50.
Old people have it comin, ***ers taking up all the tax money. **shakes fist**
Dalamari said:
Old people have it comin, ***ers taking up all the tax money. **shakes fist**
WTF happened to your post count? Did you mention the number of your posts in a post?
Foxtrot said:
WTF happened to your post count? Did you mention the number of your posts in a post?
I asked Zerimski to reset it, I have no idea why, but meh it's just posts.
har har har your e-pen0r is tiny now!!!!

On Topic: I want to die like an action hero: Jumping off an exploding building in a million shards of glass with bad guys inside and me pointing and screaming "POONZORED MOTHERF*CKERS!!!!!!!!"
LittleB said:
har har har your e-pen0r is tiny now!!!!

On Topic: I want to die like an action hero: Jumping off an exploding building in a million shards of glass with bad guys inside and me pointing and screaming "POONZORED MOTHERF*CKERS!!!!!!!!"
I would rather die in a really sweet pose, while a bunch of super models are watching.

I didn't want to live forever anyways.
If I go out I want to get shot by a lot of asian men while running through the jungle, then fall on my knees and arch my back and yell at a passing helicopter