Deathadder - special edition


Feb 3, 2005
Reaction score
Except for a little wear on the body, surprisingly, my Logitech Mx518 is still working strong after a couple years, but this mouse hurts my hand. I guess I'm getting old and feeble.

I've been wanting a Razer Deathadder mouse for over a year. At that time, it was said that it was the best mouse available in terms of tracking, acceleration and accuracy.

I've owned a few Microsoft mice, one of them the right mouse button stopped working after a while. I've heard that the MS Razer Deathadder has done that to someone who wrote a review and Razer wouldn't replace it even though it was under warranty.

I'm willing to take a chance

My questions are:

Aren't there two Deathadder types: optical and laser?

Which is better?

Are there other mice that are technically better than the Deathadder?

Looking at newegg, they now have a Guild Wars edition version and I think it looks really sweet, though the standard blue one would match all my other equipment better. DeathAdder Guild Wars Edition Gaming Mouse

The standard blue one is $15 less. Technically, it's the same thing I believe.

... I like the guild wars one better. Damn.

What do you think?
I got my Deathadder a year ago. I have no complaint. In fact, I'd highly recommend it. It's not a Microsoft mouse, though. And as far as I know, it doesn't come in 'laser'. Just 3G Infrared Sensor (he says, reading off the bottom of his mouse). If you want a laser mouse, you'd have to pick a different one.

I would go with the standard Deathadder, but that's a personal choice.

I don't know if it's microsoft designed. I'm pretty sure microsoft bought Razer, but I'm not sure about anything else.

I'm also wondering about the Razer mouse mats too. I noticed quite a few of them on searching under razer. The cloth kind wear out so I hear, but they have at least one with something called fractal surface.

I like my ultrathin Wowpad, but I'm at my computer for hours and I'm having a lot of wrist pain from my desk edge, so I was thinking about trying something different.

so let me know if anyone has used one and let me know if you like it and how long will it last.
I like mine, it's a good mouse.

The only thing that bothers me is that the plastic on the sides tends to get all smudgy from sweat and I have to wipe some white stuff (salt from sweat? skin? I've no idea) off it. It never happened to me with my previous mice and my hands don't sweat much either.