Debate bush.


  • Good Job

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Not Good Job

    Votes: 14 20.3%
  • totally sheeeeyaaaat job

    Votes: 50 72.5%

  • Total voters


Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
This poll is meant to see the forum opinion.

Vigorously discuss.
This sir, is a five star thread.

I voted Good Job cuz of his 1338 (>1337) border policies.
I voted for shit job, due to the twin fouled-up deuces of the Iraq war and Hurricane Katrina.

In just six years, he has done more damage to the US as a whole than a half-century of Cold War could.
Agreed. The war in Afganistan was (is) still a fiasco, troops still running round all over there
I voted sheeeeyat job. After 9/11, there was a massive outpouring of sympathy and support from the world community, a few short years later, the entire world has a great deal of contempt for the US. Thats the biggest diplomatic disaster in history.

Plus, his stance on gay marriage sucks.
I voted a not good job. I don't pretend he's the best president, and that he's doing a good job. But he's all we have right now. Better than the alternative probably would have done though, in my opinion.

Sometimes, we have to make a decision between two bad choices. I wish our political system allowed us to wait until better canidates came along, so we weren't stuck into forcing one or the other.
I don't reconise him as president, he cheated.

But Shit job all the same, he killed 30,000 people in Iraq, thats pretty shit imo. And just look at katrina.
LOL. You don't recognize him as president? What's that going to accomplish? Seems a pointless statement. He is president, whether he 'cheated' or not. He has the title.
Raziaar said:
I voted a not good job. I don't pretend he's the best president, and that he's doing a good job. But he's all we have right now. Better than the alternative probably would have done though, in my opinion.
Which is why he gets a Not Good Job from me. "Could be much better, but could also be much, much worse. Cf. Herbert Hoover, Warren G Harding, Richard Nixon circa 1972."
Totally Shit Job

There may be worse, but I'm not interested in comparisons. He's a failure all on his own.
I dont think any president could have done worse than Bush. Not only did he expose his own country to more terror and violance, he helped "terrorists" polarize the world, with his rediculous "war on terror".
On top of that he financially ruined his country.

His only pro is : he's funny :)
Ome_Vince said:
I dont think any president could have done worse than Bush. Not only did he expose his own country to more terror and violance, he helped "terrorists" polarize the world, with his rediculous "war on terror".
On top of that he financially ruined his country.

His only pro is : he's funny :)

I would say we're far from financially ruined. The day our medium class citizens are living like the millions of Russians, is the day i'd say we're financially ruined.
well no surprise how I voted :)

who the hell voted he did a good job? (oldagerocker's excuse being the only valid one)
Absolute shit job.

He has made this planet a far more dangerous place to live on and is responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of innocent people.

His only saving grace...come to think of it, I can't even think of one.
Did you really need a poll to find out that most people in this forum think that Bush has done a shit job?
Feath said:
Did you really need a poll to find out that most people in this forum think that Bush has done a shit job?

Preaching to the choir may be redundant, but it sometimes feels good. :)
Actually, the poll results so far aren't terribly different from Bush's current approval ratings.
- Iraq is no better off now than it was before the invasion.
- The war on terror has resulted in more terror.
- He is percieved as a slacker with all the vacation time he's reported on taking.
- Hurricane Katrina was handled very poorly (over 4 days before a proper rescue effort!!??!!).
- America's debt keeps growing and growing and growing...
- All the lies about the justification of invading Iraq.
- Invading the privacy of American citizens.
- Using his religion as a basis/excuse for the majority of what he does.

"In just six years, he has done more damage to the US as a whole than a half-century of Cold War could."-Mechagodzilla

You're hard-pressed to find any redeeming qualities about Bush, therefore I voted for option 3. :)
Raziaar said:

Sometimes, we have to make a decision between two bad choices. I wish our political system allowed us to wait until better canidates came along, so we weren't stuck into forcing one or the other.

Exactly, but no worries. They won't. And the 08 election will be the same- two crap candidates that look good from the outside.
Trouble with public opinion is that he could be back in popularity again next week with some stunt, and everyone would forget what their feelings were this week.
I voted for totally sheeeeyaaaat job! Therefore I do not believe I have any further discussion to do in this thread so I am leaving.
Not good job. He could definitely be doing worse and just do everything the neoconservatives tell him to do >_>.

Hopefuly 2008 will have better candidates.
If I was to ever meet him today and after, I'd call him Mr. Bush.
Hi and I voted for not good job !
Since I live in Britain where blair is a tit how many more years do u guys have to take that muppet bush ?
blair it seems is on the out and gordon brown (the Chancellor to the Treasury) is stepping in!
DeusExMachina said:
He can't run, he wasn't born here.

I was just joking, but seriously now who are going to be the next candidates?
Redneck said:
I was just joking, but seriously now who are going to be the next candidates?

Satan and Lucifer.

Other canidates will include Beelzebub, Belial, Mephistopheles, Samael, Shaitan, Abaddon, Apollyon.

Wonder who will win.
that would actually be an improvement

Mephistopheles 08
CptStern said:
that would actually be an improvement

Mephistopheles 08

Satan would be an improvement, huh? I would think if satan existed, he'd be able to **** over the world much better than bush ;)
but not in such a short time span

satan at least is clever ..well, not so much
Raziaar said:
Satan would be an improvement, huh? I would think if satan existed, he'd be able to **** over the world much better than bush ;)
At least if he were to speak at an international convention, people would listen. ^^

That or he can snap his fingers to spontaneously conbust some Middle East figures.
Redneck said:
I was just joking, but seriously now who are going to be the next candidates?

It's all rumors. For me, I wouldn't mind seeing

Rudy Guiliani
John McCain

Howard Dean
Al Gore