Decent Coop Games


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I was looking for decent coop games in my game collection (That play online).
So far, I came up with this list.
Doom 3 (Coop Mod)
Halo 2
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
No One Live Forever 2
Diablo 2
Baulder's Gate
Sven Coop
Dungeon Siege
NWN (Including Expansions)

Could anyone name some other good Coop games? I'm trying to find some fun games to play online, that are simply Coop.
Hell, lets list some multiplayer games that are decent while we are at it.

Half-life 2
Halo 2
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
No One Lives Forever 2
Warcraft 3
Baulder's Gate
Tribes 2
Diablo 2
Battlefield 2
Counterstrike Source (/puts on flame suit)
Natural Selection

Also, please list some decent multiplayer games.
How the hell can Serious Sam not be on there?
Serious Sam 1 & 2 (Very nice coop)
Raven Shield (Nice coop)
Oh god, the hands on that last pic.

Garry's Mod included HL2 coop, I guess that counts.
Free and legal System Shock 2?
Thanks Teta
It works for me. Well... expect some problems, but if I set it to run like a windows program, it should work.
EDIT: Scratch that, random crashs. I believe it has something to do with Direct3D, can anyone help?
I just might be able to run this on my old P233. It meets the recommended ok apart from the processor.

Heard a lot about this game so I've been wanting to play it. I have no idea what it's about apart from the computer thingy is called Shodun or something like that and there are monsters. :O
Sanada said:
I just might be able to run this on my old P233. It meets the recommended ok apart from the processor.

Heard a lot about this game so I've been wanting to play it. I have no idea what it's about apart from the computer thingy is called Shodun or something like that and there are monsters. :O

System Shock 2 and Aliens Versus Predator 2, are both the definition of sci-fi horror.

You like scary games? You'll love SS2.

Can't tell you what it's about without spoiling it.
AvP (the original) has awesome co-op online in the Marines vs. AI Aliens
There's a co-op mod for doom 3? Oh....too bad I already beat it and the expansion and uninstalled :(

btw SCCT co-op is extremely buggy, if you are thinking of buying the game just for the co-op mode I would suggest not to. Out of about the 40+ (not counting the times where I couldn't even enter a game because of the horrible lobby/server browser, then it would be somewhere in the 100's..) times I tried to play through co-op I'd say I was only able to get through an entire map about 5 times without the "You have been disconnected" error. The versus and singleplayer are great, but considering I bought the game pretty much for the co-op it was a let down. /rant
Fliko said:
It works for me. Well... expect some problems, but if I set it to run like a windows program, it should work.
EDIT: Scratch that, random crashs. I believe it has something to do with Direct3D, can anyone help?
go into your system shock 2 directory, find a file called "cam.cfg", open it with notepad and add the follwoing line to the end:


That might fix some of your problems. If not, try this thread.
:thumbs: I love the Ravenshield Co-op. Chaos Theory's too.
Man, I havnt played flashpoint in soo long- but i always enjoyed the choppers and coop
SWAT 4 is a good coop game. Even though its based on real life and the games really short, the coop mode is insane! and its hilariously fun to tazer ppl! (ROFLMAO)
Yeah..I just picked up swat 4 two days ago and its awesome (though I beat the sp in a matter of hours), the multiplayer action is where its at). The co op is intense and lifelike, and you really have to learn how to move as a team and plan your moves if you want to survive and get a good rating. For example I was playing yesterday with 3 other players, and we made 2 man teams and sweeped through the map, winning and getting a 100% rating. Blowing through the map with guns blazing is likely to get you killed and even if you somehow survive doing it you'll end up with a horrible rating and too many counts of unauthorized deadly force. Also there is a 2 teams bomb defusal mode, a VIP mode (really good), and also a team deathmatch style mode where you fight another team. So yes I'd definitly reccomend swat 4. And at only 30 bucks now, what do you have to lose? Not to mention you can get it on direct2drive and sierra's website as a direct download so you don't even have to run out to get it. A great deal if you ask me.

Along with swat 4 I'd say:

Operation flashpoint (good luck finding a game with good if any players)
With you having Halo 2 on your list, I assume you have the XB.

I recommend getting Operation Flashpoint: ELITE for the XB, it's a recently released, much improved version of the Operation Flashpoint on the PC, everything's better imo, graphics, controls, netcode, and it's a blast on live.
You can even EASILY set up your own Co-op missions on live, like a defend mission, where the AI rush your position and you have to last 10+ mins, just an example.:)
sabre0001 said:
Quake 1/2...ah memories...

Ahh Quake 1, my real first FPS / multiplayer game. ;( I miss that game, I love the atmosphere and the pure fragging attitude.

+ MegaTF was THE best multiplayer I have EVER played.

What was that map? Cops and robbers, it took place in a city block I could go into various buildings that had elevators to the top where you'd snipe your enemies in pure darkness :devil:

I get really nostalgic with that game ;(


Descent 1 or 2
GREAT Co-Op games, you'll have loads of fun.
I own the game, but I've never played co-op or multiplayer on SC:CT.
Teta_Bonita said:
go into your system shock 2 directory, find a file called "cam.cfg", open it with notepad and add the follwoing line to the end:


That might fix some of your problems. If not, try this thread.

:thumbs: thx I can now play SS2 again...and if I'm lucky thief 1/2 aswell(same engine same symptoms)