Decent new PC Specs?


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm buying myself a new monster machine, and I was just wondering what sort of performace to expect from CS:S on it:

  • 120GB Space
  • Nvidia GeForce 6800 Ultra
  • 512MB Ram

I think I'm using an AMD as well, although I can't remember at the moment.
make sure to have a gig of ram, not 512. otherwise your computer will seem crippled with all of the file swapping.
You should get good performance with that, The grpahics card can definatly handle the game, little more RAm would be nice.
512mb Ram does seem enough to me...anyone running it: What sort of FPS do you get?
lol, I wouldn't exactly call that a monster machine but it can handle CS:S very well. I would recommend getting 1 Gig of RAM though.
you dont really need 1 gig, i have 512 as well, it will make it load a tad fast with a gig...its really not needed that much.
So.... where's the monster?? The only thing good was the graphics card.
Hectic Glenn said:
you dont really need 1 gig, i have 512 as well, it will make it load a tad fast with a gig...its really not needed that much.
Maybe not for HL2, but there are other games, that really likes 1 Gb.
man if your gonna go all out, you might as well get a gig of ram. 1 more stick of 512 shouldn't set you back too much. You'll find yourself needing to upgrade to a gig soon anyway.
You need at least a GB of RAM, preferably more. Don't cheap out on that.

With a few background tray items, running CS:S or HL2 will use more than 512 MB. Anybody with a GB or more - play HL2 or CS:S for a while. Exit and bring up the Task Manager. Look at the Peak Commit Charge - it's well over 512.
I was wondering about this aswell...
Is there any PC spec existing that can run CS:S at 100fps+ rock solid with all the visual details up?
The amount of AMD64 users complaining about fps drops makes me wonder if it's worth upgrading at all.
Get some DDR3200 ram and if you have the money get dual channel ram.
i got all vis details up 1280x1024, dunno if res makes a difference

im getting 60-100 fps depending on the map, lows being office, high being aztec and dusts
I just have a lowly old P4 [email protected] / X800XTPE / 1Gb OCZ 3200EB Ram / Sony 21" Flatscreen / Audiy2 zs / Logitech Z5300e surround...Time for an upgrade
I've decided to move up to a full gig of RAM...thanks to everyone for the help :)
P4 3.2Ghz
GeForce 6800 GT

^^ thats my spec and on Source it can run on all high settings easily with 80 to 140fps
nice gfx card... 1GIG RAM not needed realy i use 512 and a sempron 3100+ and it works a dream :p