Declaration of Independence banned from school

Not really, showing 5th graders documents telling them that their country was founded by god, could distort their minds, since most of them aren't mature enough to properly understand what religion is.
Utterly moronic of that school. If the teacher was somehow preaching Christianity through using those documents then I would understand.

However this is basic history. If this is as bad as the article makes it seem then I hope that principal is fired very quickly.
MaxiKana said:
Not really, showing 5th graders documents telling them that their country was founded by god, could distort their minds, since most of them aren't mature enough to properly understand what religion is.
Thats why you constantly make it clear as a teacher that what is being read is simply what the original writters thought, not what the teacher believes the students should think.
MaxiKana said:
Not really, showing 5th graders documents telling them that their country was founded by god, could distort their minds, since most of them aren't mature enough to properly understand what religion is.
Exactly where in the Declaration of Independence does it state that America was founded by God?
positively retarded, that school should have its funding cut...
CyberSh33p said:
positively retarded, that school should have its funding cut...
just like every other school. :(
gh0st said:
just like every other school. :(
all they are is businesses as of now, its pretty sickening. they put their profit ahead of teaching the students
Thats dumb...whether or not it was "founded by God" its part of the hitstory of the country.

Its different with the UK, because it gradually grew into something. Regardless of that, monarchs were thought to be sent by God, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't hear about them.
ah just rewrite the damn thing to read "some dude" instead of god, problem solved :E
I didn't know the Declaration had references to God. I thought they only refered to any higher power as the "creator."
they refer to "him" as creator (which could be of the republic, or however you interpret it), and "natures god." its all subjective but more importantly who gives a damn.
Thats like wiping out the history of the romans and the greeks, who fought and conquered in the name of their gods, to honor them.
Thanks god I am not in school anymore and I hate children.
I wonder though, how much stuff will they ban from schools? I will make a bet, books will follow next. THEY ARE EVIL, because Hitler read books and Hitler is evil too.
Yeah? Hmmmm. In Saudi Arabia they just made it legal that they can pray ala will kill the americans or something like that.
Mr.Headcrab said:
Yeah? Hmmmm. In Saudi Arabia they just made it legal that they can pray ala will kill the americans or something like that.

Well, its a theocracy. Not surprising. Doesn't go much for supporting the fact that muslims are a peaceful religion save for a few radicals though.