Deddoshin Design Document

Would you play Deddoshin

  • I will be definatly playing this, its amazing!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hello. I am back again, if u havn't noticed already. I am IchI :D this is the old killzone idea. Its just been put into a bit more organised form and also added addition ideas and features. Its not fully complete. But its big enough for public veiwing so I can really get some opinions on how it will play. It already has some things that are set to change. Especially the classes. But try to comment on what you can. Anyway enough talking. Here it is:

Please post your comments and add to the poll. If you can explain why u choose which pol optinion and please do not judge or comment if you have not fully read everything.

Hello there Ichi.

I got some small things about the design.

First, could you tell more about the map layout and how you will play the mod in the beginning of the doc? This will help the reader to get a better idea of the design faster then you have it now (eventhough i know what this mod is about before i read the design doc)

I like simple ideas, thats why im thinking about the classes. Its much harder to balance a game with many classes. I whould go with fewer classes (you can make each class more interesing instead of having 2-3 subclasses almost identical).

We talked about the idea to have options in the mod so you can change the game rules. I agree with you that it will annoy people in public matches but it would really be a good thing in clan matches. The ladder could tweak the rules to make it even more clan friendly. I think this mod will have more of an impact on the clan area than on the public area.

Could you point out the ideas better in your design? I know nothing is set in stone yet but i saw some stuff that you wasnt really sure of, like the fort idea. You can have more ideas in the design if you point them out as "not really done yet" . Makes it alittle easier to read too.

One thing about the story for people that dont know about it. My sources tell me that the mod is set in Japan (right?) and for an Japanese warrior, loosing his pride or die is the worst thing that can happen to him. So dont complain over this:

"people enter the deddoshin in teams these teams of people fight against each other to prove there skill and honnor to there names."

Thats how it goes :)

I glad you liked the name, Ichi. Im downloading a program at this very moment to get you the Kanji for the name.

Ill be back!

(cant wait to see this mod in action btw :))

Edit: YES! I posted before money penny! I am the greatest!
Okay, got the program up and working (i think)

Basically, Deddoshin is two words, Deddo and Shin. So it will be something like:

でっど and しん

So it will be (together)


I cant read Japanese yet so im not really sure if its correct, but im sure someone will point that out sooner or later.
I really wanted to give you some of my opinions, but when I click the link my norton starts complaining about some harmful scripts..? It closes all my
browser windows :(
sry :x
The plan sounds pretty good, quite original tactical elements.
It will be quite hard to make the classes balanced, maybe sniper/spy/sensor limits will help.
Also the maps will need to be carefully planned, gameplay focused.
Ok, now I've read it.
Overall, I say it looks pretty good, definitely not another CS-clone! :thumbs:

I'll just try to give you some tips for improvements then shall I:

Sniper: From how I'm picturing this based on the design document, I'm thinking every square is a room, is this wrong? If so, the sniper would be a useless class wouldn't it? No need for a sniper if the farthest your going to see is 20m.

I think the spy class is a great idea, but then you can't make it possible for people to see who their teammates are (you know, names when you point at them at like in cs), because that tends to make spies useless. But if spies have really week weapons, but have demolitions or something, they could be awesome!
maybe the spy could just randomly be assigned the name of a teammate (of a guy in the enemy team I mean, if the enemy points his reticule at him he just sees the name of a friend). Then if the enemy looking at the spy notices that the guy he's pointing at has the same name as another teammate, he knows one of them is a spy! Don't know if that came out understandable...
And they should also be easily recognizable to the friendlies..

I think you should skip three classes for soldier types.. At the very most, make an assault trooper, and a support guy... not three, that's definitely overkill!

Medics are hard to make popular in mp-games.. I suppose you have to make him able to hold his own if you want people to actually want to play as a medic.

I think capturing points should simply be running over them (they're in the middle of the room maybe), and waiting for maybe 10 seconds (assuming noone from the opposing team runs over it).
hmm.. Maybe you could make more important points that included more advanced actions to be taken, I think you had an example in the doc... Then those would be captured forever, and couldn't be captured by the other team, like a check point :)
I think the flanking is a great idea, but I think you'll need sort of checkpoints so you can't just ruin a whole teams progress buy capturing their first point..........

You'll have to be more specific for me to give more crits, but I'd be happy to help out more (assuming this is helping you :eek: )

ooh, about the classes. I think this is all you need:

Assault infantry-You know, assault rife, pistol, knife and some grenades
Support Infantry-Machine gun, pistol, knife and different types of grenades
Medic-sub machine gun, pistol, knife and healing kits
Spy-Pistol, knife, can disguise himself, can plant mines, and can spot and flag mines (so other teammates can see them too)
I don't think there's a need for more classes really.

err.. That's about it I guess.. yeah...

I'm sick!! That's why I have so much time on my hands ! :p :E

Oh... and what is the goal!?? When does the game end??? Pretty important actually, can't believe I didn't remember it until now.. :LOL:
[Homemade QUOTE]Oh... and what is the goal!?? When does the game end??? Pretty important actually, can't believe I didn't remember it until now..
[/Homemade QUOTE]
A good idea would be to make a round last a certain time, like 20 min, and the team who has conquered more % will win
2 people voted that they hated it but yet I asked for people to say why the said this... don't people like it or is it dickheads just posting random ones because they cba to read the whole document :( I hate this some times.

Well.... it looks like people like both mine and pendragons idea. If he wants to I thik we should have discussion on what to add and what not to add :D Proberly tomorrow though because I have been brain washed by old people in wheel chairs racing around Marks and Spencers complaining at the smallest thing ever because they seem to think its a posh store.... gee. people these days :p
I am doing a complete rework of the classes now. I have added much more detail on what they will all do. I am also going to re-write many sections on the design document. Shall I make seperate threads for them.... or shall I just post them in here?
I think it's ok if you post them here. The thread's already established... :)

Or can't you just host it like you did with the earlier design document, and just tell us here, so we can crit you here as well ?