Defendant wins against RIAA


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
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Patti Santangelo was targeted by the RIAA in 2005 as part of its crackdown against suspected file-sharing. The divorced mother of five denied engaging in file sharing herself or having any knowledge of its happening in her house. The RIAA subsequently sued two of her children, Michelle and Robert, who were 15 and 11 years old when the alleged infringement took place.

A federal judge has dismissed Elektra v. Santangelo with prejudice, leaving the door open for defendant Patti Santangelo to recover attorneys' fees from the RIAA.

If you guys were accused for downloading music or movies or whatever what would your defense stance be?
What illegally-obtained music or movies?

If you guys were accused for downloading music or movies or whatever what would your defense stance be?

...that would be the fastest trip to a hole 60 miles outside town...when I was finished the most modern thing I'd have in my house would be a rotary dial phone...
If you guys were accused for downloading music or movies or whatever what would your defense stance be?

I would just make this face... and keep it until they let me go.


*wipes hdd*
If you guys were accused for downloading music or movies or whatever what would your defense stance be?
The file-sharing program was only there so I could download non-copyrighted material, and the copyrigted material in my download folder isn't really copyrighted. I just name them like games and movies that are out now so that I can remember what they are better.
i would ask them to prove that i do not own the originals.i doubt that would work but thats all i could think off :S.
Yeah a guy at a LAN-party had an electromagnet built into his computer. He just had to put in a key, push a button and all power was diverted towards it :p
ya, i would degauss my entire computer and poop on my keyboard
The file-sharing program was only there so I could download non-copyrighted material, and the copyrigted material in my download folder isn't really copyrighted. I just name them like games and movies that are out now so that I can remember what they are better.

Yea but you see, they grab your IP by being connected to torrents alongside YOU. So lets say you are downloading a bootleg movie. They are also connected to the torrent and they KNOW what the content of the torrent is. They see you are downloading it. You are screwed. I personally would say it was a backup copy because I lost my original ;)
Yeah a guy at a LAN-party had an electromagnet built into his computer. He just had to put in a key, push a button and all power was diverted towards it :p
That's a sweet idea, might have to do that someday... preferably soon.
Strike one for the little guy, hopefully soon this will deter the RIAA in hopelessly attempting to sue everyone who downloads their music and encourage them to find ways in which to make CDs a lot more accessible to everyone.
Normal magnets don't do much to hard drives. I think you need the coil kind. Formating with zeros would actually delete files although if it's something really serious you may just want to take the drive apart and tamper with the surface of the disk.
Normal magnets don't do much to hard drives. I think you need the coil kind. Formating with zeros would actually delete files although if it's something really serious you may just want to take the drive apart and tamper with the surface of the disk.

Or throw it out the window. :O
Alright, so reformatting a drive means just setting all the bit fields to "writable"? I know there are programs out there that manually write an entire drive to 0, but I thought reformatting did that too ;(
Alright, so reformatting a drive means just setting all the bit fields to "writable"? I know there are programs out there that manually write an entire drive to 0, but I thought reformatting did that too ;(

Apparently not. \= But why not be safe. I say just take it, and dump it in the river. It will never be seen again, and they are cheap enough to just buy another, much LARGER one.
Ya, reformatting mainly just clears the index/table/etc. which has the location of where the files are at on the hard drive. The files are still there, but as far as the computer is concerned, it's now empty and can be overwritten.
CDs/DVDS/Blu-ray/HD-DVD are all ultimately redundant formats in the face of every increasing internet speeds. The only purpose to formats persisting is in order to sell more plastic boxes that will end up in landfills 10 years later on. Albeit it would be entirely possible for all TV/Film and Music to be distributed solely through electronic means legally, it doesn't serve the financial interests of hardware manufacturers like Sony to go down that route.
To actually delete everything you need to do a zero fill format. Only problem is it takes a LONG ass time.

Isnt there a way you can change your IP address too?
Yea but you see, they grab your IP by being connected to torrents alongside YOU. So lets say you are downloading a bootleg movie. They are also connected to the torrent and they KNOW what the content of the torrent is. They see you are downloading it. You are screwed. I personally would say it was a backup copy because I lost my original ;)
But surely they don't know how much I've downloaded of it, and I rarely leave anything to upload on my connection.
Yeah this is another thing I was wondering. Do they really care about people who just download and not upload for others? Seems to me like they would spend their time better if they only went after people who create and share these files to hundreds/thousands of others.
you could use a proxy to stop them from tracing your ip address but that would make your downloads a LOT slower.
Yeah this is another thing I was wondering. Do they really care about people who just download and not upload for others? Seems to me like they would spend their time better if they only went after people who create and share these files to hundreds/thousands of others.
Well going after the main seeders would be the best thing to do, yeah. But I think the RIAA are trying to use scare tactics like "If this woman who's never downloaded anything illegal in her life can get sued by us, think of the chances of you getting sued!"