Deftones - Saturday Night Wrist


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
So, it's out today, right? I want it but gots no monies till Thursday so... impressions? :D

Also, sup with the title?
I've been meaning to listen to it on Myspace for a few days now. I think tonight might be a good night for it. Mmmmm.
Man i recently fell in love with deftones again i dont know why but their music is so moody without sounding too hardcore
I love this CD
Of course I've been an uber fan since adrenaline, they are my favorite group of all time (yes, they even slightly beat system of a down IMO)... Serj actually sings on the track "mein".

****ing stellar album, so moody, so atmospheric, so... good :)
For some new to the tones, it may take two or three spins before you really understand the cd, and even then you will hear something that you hadn't heard before.

Chino has the best rock voice in the modern alternative/metal/numetal scene I think. I hope they don't stop! I also hope to see them live again before I die :(
I have the same feelings for this band as you do, Korgoth. The CD is somewhat different to alot of the rock out there right now, but it is a good CD. Not my favorite, but ALOT of people seem to love it. So try it out. :p
Still not listened to it. To Myspace!
Got it. Loving it.

It's a little bit weird (lack of a better word), even for Deftones. Growing on me though!
Cursed Myspace took it down, but I heard the new song Hole in the Earth (I think) and that sounds good. I can tell it will be a grower for me, too, like the new Sparta is...
Yeah, definitely a grower. Like alot of new albums from bands I like recently, the first couple of listens are a bit "meh", kinda seems like it's a bit samey and drones on a bit. But after my 4th, maybe 5th listen-through now, I'm really starting to love it.

It's got that eeriness that White Pony had, but it's as heavy as their self-titled in parts while still retaining that sort of ambience. It definitely has the signature Deftones sound all the way through while covering different styles (not really exploring any new ground, but still), which is awesome. Not really any songs I don't like at the moment... except the second half of Pink Cellphone. Bleh :p Kinda just... skip it after the first "amen" now.
yeah pink cellphone is probably my least favorite track on the record...
and who can't love this cd they make homage to contra!
"uuddlrlrbaselectstart" is an awesome instrumental!
It's a nice CD, different... but a good listen.