Delaware Seeks To Brand Violent Games as Obscene


May 5, 2004
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"Though previous legislation in Delaware to prevent the sale of games to minors failed, one of that bill's sponsors has revived the effort by attempting to declare violent games as obscene material, which would bypass free-speech issues. The tactic was similarly used and abandoned in a recent Utah bill which met with heavy fire for Constitutional issues.

Rep. Helene Keeley has introduced an amendment to HB360 in conjunction with anti-game crusader Jack Thompson [when you have Jack on your side, you really have to question their sanity], who said to the Delaware News Journal that "[Games aren't] even speech. This is software that enables a machine to allow a player to play a game." The two hope that their revised bill will avoid Constitutional challenges, though the Utah bill that it is apparently patterned on was criticized by constitutional law experts.

The bill is currently being challenged in committee hearings by the Motion Picture Association of America and the Video Software Dealers Association, which denounce the bill as unconstitutional. "This bill right now affects everybody from the librarian to the video store to the person that sells the ticket to the movie theater to the TV station," said Vera Stevenson of the MPAA.

Currently, the bill is being tabled for revisions, though has not yet been outright killed in committee. Rep. Keeley and supporters such as Deputy Attorney General Paul Wallace say that they are "willing to be aggressive on this issue," and intend to revise the bill in order to give it a greater chance of success in the next hearing."

the obscene justification will be hard to pass's usually reserved for pornography


"wont someone PLEASE think of the children!!" - Rep. Helene Keeley
I'd tap...

Uhh...yeah, this bullshit isn't gonna pass. Games are apart of free speech, they are apart of entertainment. Goddamn opposers are going to have to accept this and stop trying to advance their political careers and agendas.
DeusExMachina said:
I'd tap...

ugh ..slightly less repugnant than ann coulter but I'd wager it'd be about as animated as having sex with a tree (not that I know what that's like :O ) ..those consevatives are ..well conservative: no lingerie, lights always off, only familiar with the missionary position, no foreplay ..just "assume the position and lets makes babies, praise the lord" thanks

DeusExMachina said:
Uhh...yeah, this bullshit isn't gonna pass. Games are apart of free speech, they are apart of entertainment. Goddamn opposers are going to have to accept this and stop trying to advance their political careers and agendas.

I think it's a sign of the time, this will become more common ..hopefully the gaming industry will stand up and take notice before it's too late
all I know is that as long as I'm in N.M. there isn't going to be any restrictions passed :p

Another bunch of conservative stagnants? If it was up to them America would still be puritan.
She is truly doing the Lord's work.
Alexferris said:
Dammit, look at that, you don't see Africa or any of the Stan countries having to put up with this political correctness BULL SHIT.

qft. Why can't we have governments like that that work how they're supposed to?
CptStern said:
ugh ..slightly less repugnant than ann coulter but I'd wager it'd be about as animated as having sex with a tree (not that I know what that's like :O ) ..those consevatives are ..well conservative: no lingerie, lights always off, only familiar with the missionary position, no foreplay ..just "assume the position and lets makes babies, praise the lord" thanks

I'd uh..."yeah" Ann Coulter too to be honest...
Please tell me you've read the blog site about the kid who had "sex" with Ann Coulter. Funniest thing ever :p.
Who is this Ann Coulter person? The GOP's babe or something?
hmmmm, she is a bit too much Greta van Susteren-ish for me.
DeusExMachina said:
Please tell me you've read the blog site about the kid who had "sex" with Ann Coulter. Funniest thing ever :p.
post a link plz
Shakermaker said:
Who is this Ann Coulter person? The GOP's babe or something?

dont let DeusExMachina fool you with her seemingly comely charms ..this sums her up nicely

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." - Ann Coulter

"My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building." - Ann Coulter

aint she cute?
It won't pass just like every other one (Utah one, etc) has failed in the legislature.

It's more like "Random politician seeks to make it law in Delaware" rather than Delaware seeking to make it law in the US
dont forget she has good ol jack thompson on her side

"Thanks for not staring at my adam’s apple."
heh this cartoon from the guys at pennyarcade sums up the attitude of gamers pretty well

Im sure that she wears a "i pwn noob" shirt under her real clothes!
OK, quick question here for Stern, not expactly to do with this article, but deals with the general issue.

Democrat Ms. Clinton is coming out strongly against Video Games yeah? Why? I thought the pesky Democrats were more laid back on this kinda thing than teh damn Republicans?

Not looking for a massive answer, something short(ish) to explain mate
hehe my reputation for long winded explanations precedes me :E

In the beginning before video games, man formulated laws ...

nah just kidding ;)

joe liebermen (a democrat) has long been an opponent of video games ..clinton is just riding his coatales ...oh and democrats arent really "liberal" they're more centrist than liberal. Basically it's a ploy to apeal to voters/republicans/people sitting on the fence of media exposure to children

My view of US Politics just fell

To there
Evo said:

My view of US Politics just fell

To there
It's a random state level politician. Please don't take this as representative of US politics. That'd be like if the mayor of your city proposed something retarded and I took it to represent UK politics.
RakuraiTenjin said:
It's a random state level politician. Please don't take this as representative of US politics. That'd be like if the mayor of your city proposed something retarded and I took it to represent UK politics.

Thing is, with Devolution, it sometimes feels like that is what they want to happen D:
I'd poke her only if it was a threesome with Coulter. And then I'd regret it.

Also, it seems that Stern has had some experience with the religious conservative type.

It also seems that this topic has been talked so much to death that its resorted to talking about screwing middle aged conservative politicians, just cuz Stern posted the picture.
Erestheux said:
Also, it seems that Stern has had some experience with the religious conservative type..

I have experience with every type :naughty:
Including monkeys? :monkee:

And males? :farmer:

Male monkeys? :farmer::monkee:
Erestheux said:
Including monkeys? :monkee:

And males? :farmer:

Male monkeys? :farmer::monkee:

yup ...I'm a Tri-sexual ...I'll try anything once :E :naughty: