Delete Vista without formatting drive


Apr 16, 2006
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I have been sual booting XP and Vista and have decided to get rid of Vista. Thing is I have many files and games on the same drive I installed Vista so I dont want to foramt that partition.

When I try to deleted the Windows folder I get:

'Access denied.. make sure disk is not write protected and not currently in use...' error messages

Please help, its using 8GB worth of space!!
You're probably not going to be able to use those games or any programs you installed under vista once you get rid of the OS. Because of the registry or something.

I know that when I installed windows xp on a new hard drive in my computer, and then uninstalled the old windows xp on my older hard drive, I couldnt use any of the programs or games I had installed before.
Steam games don't use the registry. I formatted my Windows drive a few months ago and aferwards I loaded up Steam and all my games worked fine.
I have installed all my games under XP BUT on the same partition Vista is on
looks like Vista is sitting on ther for life.. wasts of 8GB that sh1t GRRRR
How about you just re-install all your games? :|
Delete it by booting to a DOS prompt and deleting from there?
I'm not sure if it's conventionally possible with Windows XP - I used to use my spare Windows 98 CD as a boot disk and it gave me the option to boot to DOS when booting up then. Try googling it to see if there's another way.
Go get a Linux Distrubution that can boot off of a CD, boot it off the CD and then delete the folder.
And is having 2 OSes on 1 partition even efficient?
Ultimate Boot Disk For Windows is pretty awesome.