Demo takes ages to close


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
When i close the bf2 demo (which hasn't happened very often, lol) it's still running in my processes using about 440mb of memory for quite a while after it closes to windows. This causes me to have massive slowdown in windows. Anyone else? Any fixes?
Mine closes awesomely fast which is odd. How do you close it? I always bring down the console and type quit and it works great. Otherwise i know nothing more sorry :)

(referring to post below me, that isn't true for myself so i don't know if that holds any basis.)
It will only close super fast if your desktop is the same resolution as your in game resolution try setting it the same as your desktop and see what happins
ah, well i heard somewhere else that the ingame menu is 800x600 which may mean it takes a while to change back to 1280x1024. It is a strange one though.
yeah i get this sometimes, the menu music will just be playing even though im back at desktop, music plays for ages too, the game uses alot of ram, 700mb when i ctrl-alt-deleted to desktop, and that was just trying to find servers. :O