Demo-to-avi not working, need help


Nov 4, 2006
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I'm trying to use HL2's demo to avi function (well really, a demo to .tga files, but same difference) so I can have a video much smoother than what my computer could get through fraps. I'm running into big problems however, when I run it, it will sometimes start to record then freeze and sometimes just freeze on the first frame. When I finally manage to Ctrl-Alt-Del out of it, there will be a number of .tga's leading up to where it froze, but also an empty .wav file that ranges from about 1.5GB - 1.8GB.

I really have no idea what's happening, I've cleared plenty of hard drive space for this, here's what I did in the console:

1. Record test
(record a demo)
2. stop
3. host_framerate 30
4. startmovie workdamnit
5. playdemo test
(Demo sometimes plays then freezes, sometimes freezes on the first frame. Either way it leaves me with an empty .wav file at least 1.5GB)

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Have you tried starting the demo first? Use the command "demoui" to be able to pauze the demo. The forward/backward buttons are buggy and may crash, though (in mods). Then start the movie.
I wasn't using the UI for demo record, just doing a straight playdemo. Actually I found a solution on my own. For whatever reason, if I tell it to make an AVI instead of the .tga files it works fine, sound synced and all. I'm using it with the HuffyUV codec so there's no quality lost in the capturing.