Democratic Nazi?


Jul 4, 2003
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I know I said I wouldn't post or add to these types of political discussions anymore, well... This made me break my promise.

The Bush campaign appears to be playing the "nazi" card with this one...
Whats your opinion guys? And could anyone with a faster connection go into a little more detail as to what the video shows exactly, all i could play on my 56k was a little bit of gore, and then a little bit of hitler. :eek:
Just to be fair, i'll be bipartisan and add this for a few laughs :cheers:
Bush is a douche bag....Kerry is even a bigger douche bag.

Anyways Adolph Hitler made very good speeches and I would take it as a compliment if someone said that I made speeches like Hitler.
but hey douche is a good thing, it gives that fresh feeling... as opposed to that not so fresh feeling, you know... Down there
Innervision961 said:
but hey douche is a good thing, it gives that fresh feeling... as opposed to that not so fresh feeling, you know... Down there

Anyways look like another election that is not worth voting for. Lets see when was the last time we had a good president.. Raegen and Kennedy! Raegen was 20 years ago and Kennedy was 40 :eek:

Senior Bush - The other douche bag
Bush was probably a bit better but still=\

Clinton - Dolll
Both were dumb asses

Bush - Gore
Need i say more

Bush - Kerry
What the hell was going on in that ad?

Wasn't it sponsored by Bush-Cheney '04?
So why did they have pictures of Hitler followed by GWB in the same pose? Are they trying to get the neo-nazi vote? This looks more like it was paid for by Kerry and Edwards.
JimmehH said:
What the hell was going on in that ad?

Wasn't it sponsored by Bush-Cheney '04?
So why did they have pictures of Hitler followed by GWB in the same pose? Are they trying to get the neo-nazi vote? This looks more like it was paid for by Kerry and Edwards.
Maybe Bush got smart and noticed that Adolf Hitler made bad ass speeches.
Or maybe he fell to hard on his bike.
Enigma said:

Anyways look like another election that is not worth voting for.

that's how Bush got elected in the first place

seriously if you dont plan to vote in the election you're doing your country a disservice. Things will never change if people are complacent. It's a travesty to democracy that less than 50% of americans voted last time around.
CptStern said:
that's how Bush got elected in the first place

seriously if you dont plan to vote in the election you're doing your country a disservice. Things will never change if people are complacent. It's a travesty to democracy that less than 50% of americans voted last time around.
Ill still vote, i just said its not WORTH voting for, and we are republic not a democracy.
huh? I'm assuming you mean the US? a republic?
Could anyone explain what happens in the ad a little more for me? I couldn't watch all of it... Please :)

EDIT: cpstern whats your avatar from?
ok that vid was a bit confusing. very strange tactic to show hitler and bush in simlar poses and intersperse frames of both of them. weird. don't know what they were aiming for, maybe getting the nazi vote like a couple of you said.

EDIT: it's basically kerry/gore/moore and a few other people i don't recognise, truthsaying and saying how bush betrayed his country, and how they 'want their country back' etc, then it showed a little speech from hitler (couldn't read the subtitles as they were fuzzy), and faded out to george bush in a similar pose. after all the torrents of abuse, it fades out to bush in his familiar goofy smile + waving hand pose, and a caption that says something along the lines of 'we need a strong president etc'.
it's funny that they would use the hitler analogy ...since bush's grandfather Prescott had business dealings with the third reich
Well that doesn't make sense, why the hell would they (bush campaign) make an ad like that? Weird, maybe its not even them, wish there was a way to find out who owned and operated the site, and all that stuff...
well you can do an allwhois on the site. it's registered to "Bush-Cheney '04, Inc." and an address in VA (which i'm assuming is Virginia?).

anyway, there's a contact email too, so if you have questions that might be a good place to start. i dunno whether it's bad form to post someone's email/mailing address/allwhois details on here, so i won't. it's not hard to find out yourself.
Hmmm, well then it sounds legit, i guess. I still don't understand why they would use that ad, as a pro bush campaign tool? Maybe reverse phsycology? :)
CptStern said:
huh? I'm assuming you mean the US? a republic?

Yes we are a Republic.

Technically the US is a:
Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions.
sooo it's a democracy with republic tendencies or vice versa
It's showing how certain democrats & Moore are using similar tactics to Hitler in order to get people on their side, pessimism, anger and hate. Bush on the other hand is obviously filled with optimism and good leadership!
crabcakes66 said:
Yes we are a Republic.

Technically the US is a:
Constitution-based federal republic with strong democratic traditions.
Represenative Republic, and a Federal Republic because we have branches of the government