Describe your first HL1 experience


Oct 13, 2013
Reaction score
Date: 26 november 2000
Bought by: my grandma, for my birthday.
I wanted it because: discussions with friends
Packaging: Game of the year edition, big box.
Bad souvenir: I was stuck for days in the chapter Blast Pit. I didn't realized I had to jump on the big fan.
Best souvenir: the first time I met HECU
Favorite weapon: MP5 (now I don't like it, because of its bad precision)
How many times have you beat it: something between 10 and 20 times.
...feel free to complete...
Date: July of 1999
Given to me by one of my best friends who HATED the game...ahahah.
I wanted it because: watching him play it, and realizing this is what gaming is all about
Packaging: Original release boxing
Bad Souvenir: Couldnt figure out how to sneak around The Tentacle in Blast bit.. my god was that frustrating.
Best Souvenir: being able to have computer NPC's follow you around and help you open doors etc.
Favorite Weapon: Shotgun
How many times have I beat it: play it once to twice a year since release... you do the math


Max ;)
OMMMMAAGGGGUURRR GORDAN RUNS TO FAST, OMMAAGGUURU I CAN'T HEAR WHAT THE SCIENTISTS ARE SAYING. OMMMAAGGUUURRR THIS GAME IS BROKEN (turns out i forgot to do something) OMMMMAGGUR IM STUCK. Then after i completed it i relised what all the fuss was about and loved the game
The awkward thing is, I actually played Black Mesa before Half-Life. So this was me:

Okay, time for the original experience! Wow, this tram ride is different. Ooh, forklifts! Sector C. ERMAHGERD DA GRAFIKZ ARE BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD okay time to blow up the place.

All of le scientists are many much dead. Early crowbar! And Sector B. HOWNDAYEZ

Several hours later, I'm not even sure I've reached On A Rail yet. Oh well. I've completed the bulk of Half-Life: Source. And all of Black Mesa but no Xen so no one cares.
Call me names, but I actually played Half-Life 2 first... Therefore I didn't like Half-Life so much. I still thought it was quite impressive, I liked both the fun gameplay and the (kinda weird) plot.
One thing I can say for sure is that it's a truly extraordinary game.
I remember Half-Life2 first as a more memorable experience as was pretty young when I played the first installment.
I went through the good ole gmod -> Half-Life2 -> Valve is awesome. But when it comes to Half-Life
I got it with decay for the PS2 back in 03 I think it was and it was one of the coolest games I ever had
Date: October 2000 (when i was 13. i know, a little bit late. it's because i'm living in worst country in the world)

How: Back in october 2000, i didn't have a computer. So, me and my friends were playing games at cyber cafes. Half-Life multiplayer was becoming popular. One day, i saw that text "New Game" at the top of menu. WTF? I thought it was multiplayer match with bots. Something like Quake III Arena single player. I clicked, then i see white HλLF-LIFE logo.

Packaging: There was no package!

Best souvenir: At the beginning of the game, tram ride starts, Vague Voices playing in the background, Black Mesa Announcer woman says "Good Morning! And welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System!".

Bad Souvenir: Didn't like Xen parts.

Favorite Weapon: Crossbow

How many times have I beat it: 5 or 6 times. I love HL2 more.
Date: 1998-2000, not sure.
Bought by: My father
Played by: My father
Packaging: Original release Box (I think)
I wanted to watch it because: I was very young (like 5-6 years old) and so I was interested in that kinda things
Bad Souvenir: The Aliens and Zombies scared the shit out of me
Good Souvenir: The amount of Mind**** the game did to me back then, which was very much, because I was so young. And when I played it later (in 2008) it was a big nostalgia trip.
Favorite Weapon: Gluon Gun (As a child), Magnum (now)

First time I played: 2008, I was always scared of playing Half-Life, and still I loved it, watched my father and brother. I actually started 2007 with Half-Life 2 Episode 2 haha. then I played Half-Life 2, then I played Half-Life 2 episode 1, and then 2008 I thought I should play the first Half-Life again, because I barely remember the story, but I remembered that it was an great game.

How many times have I beat it: Hard to say, I think like 10 times. Played Half-Life 2 (like 20 times) more though, but I love both equally, HL1 is just older. Besides I played Black Mesa 3 times now.
I can't remember when I first played Half-Life, sometime in 2008, I think. It was definitely after I had finished Half-Life 2, Episode 1, and Episode 2, all of which came in 2007 after I decided to buy Garry's Mod after playing it a bunch at a friend's house in late 2006.

I'll probably post again in this thread in a day or two doing the whole 'big list of random moment' thing, but I'll do it for Half-Life 2 instead.
A long long time ago I first played Half life Decay on PlayStation.
The day after April fools, 2006

Acquired HL2 as a gift (HL2 GOTY edition) from my Uncle, mainly wanted it for CS:S but never expected HL2 to be that good. Played HL:S (forgive me for playing this terrible excuse of a port as first experience of HL1) and then the two expansions.

I actually thought HL2: LC was the expansion pack for HL2, then I found out about Aftermath (those of you who remember that name). Gabe changed the name to Episode One, announced a trilogy (joke of the century) and then was sorry for not calling the episodes HL3 (also another funny joke by GabeN).
Date: 8 November 1998
Bought by: My older brother.
I wanted it because: My brother got me into it and he talked about it to me and my twin brother.
Packaging: Original Box Art/Packaging.
Bad souvenir: I was also stuck in blast pit.
Best souvenir: When you get to the surface for the first time.
Favorite weapon: MP5 (M4 in HD pack).
How many times have you beat it: I think I've completed it more times than I can count.
  • Bought it in the first days of german release from a shopping mall
  • Got attracted by eyecatching neon-colored orange package
  • Was amazed by its in-game atmosphere
  • Tried to play it over and over again, as my first computer had been just a bad performancing computer (AMD 133MHz, 4MB 3Dfx Add-On card), critical sections were even harder to master.