Design and post an Outfit

real men window shop for dream outfits on the internet in their spare time.
Fashion <3
(I would like to add I do write articles on fashion - **** this 'real men' bollocks)

my wife dresses me and i'm not afraid to admit it :D i dunno, i just don't care much about clothes:

top 3 things i don't care about:
3. men's fashion
2. women's fashion
1. celebrity gossip
badger, do you really like those t-shirts?
I for one, do not.
That belt and those jeans are cool though

my wife dresses me and i'm not afraid to admit it :D i dunno, i just don't care much about clothes:

top 3 things i don't care about:
3. men's fashion
2. women's fashion
1. celebrity gossip

that's what all the homerphobes say :E ;)

and screw this looking through online catalogues, give me paper dolls so I can mix and match wardrobe ..or better yet a Ken Doll with little outfits and plenty of shoes ....

ok I'm just lazy .......I like shoes
my wife dresses me and i'm not afraid to admit it :D i dunno, i just don't care much about clothes:

top 3 things i don't care about:
3. men's fashion
2. women's fashion
1. celebrity gossip

Thanks for saving me the trouble.

**** paying ?55 for a pair of shoes that look like a 3 year old attacked them with paint.

primark ftw.
Shirt $20.95
Pants $44.00
Shoes $65

About as basic as you can get, besides being nude of course. The shoes are way more than I'd ever pay for a shoe, but since this is all fantasy/internets I guess I can let it slide

btw, found a pair of Badger's sunglasses while looking around the net today


Apparently, they do nothing
my shoes cost me $20, shirts $10, and pants $10...
What I'm wearing

T Shirt 30 pounds
Jeans 30 pounds
shoes 25 pounds
Jacket on my chair 50 pounds

..eek, I need to spend less!
What I'm wearing

T Shirt 30 pounds
Jeans 30 pounds
shoes 25 pounds
Jacket on my chair 50 pounds

..eek, I need to spend less!
Exact same, but I got the Tshirt and jeans from an independent retail and haggled them down from 90 pounds.
It's not about how much stuff cost - it's about the end product :p

G-star RAW Polo Shirt - ?35
Some woman's cardigan from a retro shop - ?5
Criminal Damage Black Drainpipes ?25
Black Studded Jack Jones Leather Belt - ?30
Swear Trainers - ?35
Badges - ?free

My current fave outfit :)
Well can't take any pics cos my camera batteries are dead and i don't know where any more are =/

I'll describe then :D

Blue, loose fitting, nice and wide at the bottom, nothing too fancy
Black ones - similar, loose, wide at the bottom...giant back pocket (to my knee) zips running up the shins to further baggy them up, zip pockets on knees and upper thigh as well as normal ones at the top.

Oh just to add the black ones are girls style! D:
Very little crotch room =/
Though if worn at correct height they are sexily comfortable!

Band tops - Metallica, NiN, Guns n Roses, 4ft Fingers, Adequate Seven, Rammstein, Long-sleeve Slayer, Iron Maiden
Plain black tops
Family Guy t-shirt

Used to always were a pair of hikers from Shoe Zone, comfy
Now always wear my Etnies :D Black with black/white check pattern on the sides :D
For driving a pair of normal trainers..white =/

Jacket (Weather permitting)
Black Leather
Iron Maiden Denim Jacket
Couple of fleece style tops

Pretty good eh :D
Could never see myself wearing any of that.

I usually wear a pair of swim shorts, whatever is in my drawer that's clean, fits, and is not the same color as the shorts, and a pair of slippers.

I'm wearing a pair of Black cotton shorts atm, and a shirt I got from the division wrestling championships I went to last year. No footwear.

EDIT: Is there anything on that site that's not either collard or skin tight?