Design documents: public or private viewing?


Jan 23, 2004
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I was thinking about showing the current "Rebellion" design document to the public, but I'm not sure if there are problems that I should be aware of that can arise when I do this. Could anyone experienced in leading a mod team tell me their take on this?
It just depends on whether or not you are willing to give away any secrets your mod has up its sleeves... especially when the game you are planning to mod is months away from being released. That gives other teams plenty of time to implement your features and possibly even beat you to a release. If that happens people might think your mod is copying their ideas. If you're not worried about that (or about revealing details that you would rather suprise people with) then I don't see much harm in making it available to the public. One definite advantage is that it would help the recruiting process by giving potential team members a better idea of what is going to be needed for the mod.
hehehe. I went public with my mod concept and now its like 100x's more complex and has 2 game types. hehehe. Just make sure its original or you will get "this sucks, its just like cs" "man I hate iraq. its so boring, etc...."
<Insert what pendragon said>

Im going with the "classic" way of releasing info about my mod for the public. I will write a summery of the things i have in my design doc.

Since my mod is SP, i dont want everyone know about all the features/story since it have such a huge role in the mod (i love details).

Ill just write a simple about page with features, story and so on... so you get the basic idea behind the mod. Interested people will see the whole design though.

You can release your design if you're a MP mod, you dont have to cover things up as you would in a MP mod, so it depends on what type of mod you're writing.

If you want the public to know what your mod's about, do a small write-up.

It might just be me, but in my docs I assume that the end-user is a grief-playing, belligerent moron. This is necessary, because you have to anticipate all the many little ways that they'll try to break your game/mod.

So releasing it to the public would just give them ideas :)
ye. I wouldn't agree to a fully public of everything. but at least give someone a good understanding of whats going on.
What is your guy's take on the design doc that I posted? Too much revealed? Too little info? Is the idea even good? etc.
Sweet... The advice helps a lot. :D I might reorganize the design doc in the near future, probably condense more stuff together, etc. Heh... yeah, I used a template for the document, since I couldn't really find a good design doc to look at.

Well... thanks for the reply, I appreciate the advice. :D