Destiny Forbidden mod hiring!


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Hello all!

I am Iced_Eagle the leader of Destiny Forbidden. This mod combines tons of different aspects I have never even seen any mod team try. Imagine a planet battle where there is a commander that builds buildings (and by buildings I don't mean small NS buildings.. I mean Renegade sized), vehicles (air/sea/land), upgrade get new weapons, defense systems. Now add to that a whole space portion. You can transfer seamlessly between the two via a space transport. It will be an alien vs humans type mod. I am creating an in-depth design doc while will be done in the coming weeks.

If you wish to see my site go to this site here Nothing fancy but it's free and benefits are amazing.

Well, I have decided to shed a little outside light on this project. I really need team members though.

You are probably asking "Why work for this mod?"

Well, it is a very original concept (much more complicated than seen above). I have close connections with the VALVe team which means that if you are not sure on something I can just emai VALVe and depending on the time I can get a response within 10 minutes usually (usually <5 mins actually). I am a very professional person. This will not be a mod where nothing happens, I make the people have tons of fun but while they do their work. I have alot of the concept done, 8 pages.

Why am I doing this? Well, I enjoy mod making. It is a challenge to me. I have been on several mod teams. I know what has to be done for a mod to survive. It is actually more of a challenge for more. I try to use the new technology and produce something that people love, and is worth playing.

Note: Team members, especially designers, need an IRC client and be comfortable with using voice chat as it is easier to talk about the design that way.

Please email me if you would be interested: [email protected]

Thanks guys! You rock!

Leader of DF Mod

Public Design Document released! Please go to our site for more info and again we are still looking for team members!

Sounds ok, but I have enough work to do with Gang War...