DETOX-Latest (maybe last) album by Dr.Dre


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
I dont know how long this has been out, but Detox is finally released, about 3 years delayed.

Well, to be honest im kinda dissepointed, but satisfied at the same time, heres the deal:

Dre is back, its the real old-school Rap which i love, totaly pwns haters and Rap about the respect for him and that he aint taking shit from nobody. The beats are exeptional! Thats where he is strongest at.
"half the world wanna see me flow, the other half wanna see me go, it wont happen motha ****as, drumms steal tappin motha ****as, beats still coming motha ****as"

However, which made this album bad was that it shouldnt really be in his name...why? Well, because he is only Rapping in about 3/18songs...W.T.F!!?!?! He just gave away beats, told people to rap on them and included them, he didnt even say a word in most songs...this album is Dr.DRES!! i wanna hear DRE, DRE DRE DRE, not Snoop or anyone ells, only DRE!!! Why did he do this? He came as far as including Linking, when did he come into the Rap business?

However, the album is still good, he brought the westcoast famely back, but i really missed Ice Cube...why cant Dre and Cuby be together again? Together they are the best!

I would want the album to have 18 songs of solid Dre...which i didnt get and therefore i give the album 4/10....Now dont get me wrong! The album is great, the lyrics is great, everythings great....but the thing is that i wanted DRE...and about 10% of the whole album was Dre...:/ thats why i give it such a bad grade. Its like releasing an album with your name on it and you dont participate and let others do the work...

But in the songs that Dre DO ACTUALLY rap in are GREAT! Gave me a smirk on my face...god, its so wonderfull to hear him.

For you who doesnt know, Dr.Dre is the biggest (or should i say was?) Rap/hip-hop producer. Been a member of N.W.A and brought people like Eminem, Ice Cube, 50 Cent, Xibit, Easy-Ez, Snoop Dogg, and many many many other people to the radio. He also helped people on the streets, giving them beats to Rap on, making deals, fixing peoples album sales etc...thats why he is called DR.DRE, he is a Doctor, helping people.

As a FAN of Dr.Dre, you should buy this, if not, then i wouldnt recommend it.

I didn't even realize he was doing anything in front of the mic these days. Good to see he still has something in him. I'll have to give it a listen, but there's no beating The Chronic. :afro: