Deus Ex 2

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Rightso - it's being released in the US at the start of December, correct? And everywhere ELSE in February or something? Why?
Does anyone know if there'll be any difference between the two (eg: the US version of Giants was toned down somewhat for the US audience)? If I order the US version, will I be missing out on anything?

Or am I simply asking the wrong forum?
This way the rest of the world has a good reason to pirate the game while only americans buy it. :)
Originally posted by Marijn
This way the rest of the world has a good reason to pirate the game while only americans buy it. :)

Exactly, I hate it when publishers do this. It's basically a slap in the face of the non-US customers.

I doubt that there will be different versions, the only country in europe (AFAIK) often getting a censored version is Germany. You never know, but if you grab the US version AND there happen to be different versions for the US and Europe, the US version will probably be uncut.

So I'd say the only thing you may be missing out on is the money you'll spend on shipping costs. :)
6 Gameplay Videos were placed on Gamershell or Gamepsot, I can't remember. And after about a day Eidos orderd them to be removed as they were so - bloody - shit. Later it was pointed out it was footage from the XboX.

All the annoying aspects of the 1st still remained apaprantly, shit Combat, gun merging through the wall when you walk up to it with your weapon out and so on. Either it was considerably toned down for Console Kiddies. Or Mr. Spector is going for a half arsed cash in.

Most of you probablly already know this.
I too really think developers should get their act together

I think this is one of my most wanted games ever. And I will have to wait! I mean come on. I need something to put me on until HL2!!
Originally posted by theGreenBunny
So I'd say the only thing you may be missing out on is the money you'll spend on shipping costs. :)
And that is what Christmas lists are for!

And as for Dux - don't worry, it'll be great. The point wasn't in the combat (and yes it was a bit crap) but in the story-line and the FREEDOM. If you didn't like the original (and it sounds like you didn't) then you probably WON'T enjoy this one. It's just not for you and that's fair enough. Personally, I have every faith in it.

Although I also said that about 30th Sept, so draw your own conclusions.
Originally posted by el Chi
And as for Dux - don't worry, it'll be great. The point wasn't in the combat (and yes it was a bit crap) but in the story-line and the FREEDOM. If you didn't like the original (and it sounds like you didn't) then you probably WON'T enjoy this one. It's just not for you and that's fair enough. Personally, I have every faith in it.

lol. I loved Deus Ex. Its one of my favourite games ever alongside Halo and Half-Life. It's just my duty as a fan of the game to have these concerns about it :)
To right.

I had my concerns from some of the vids I have seen. But I have decided that it looked bad simply because the person playing didnt seem to even move the mouse when aiming. It made it all look very robotic. And crap. :P

It still looks fun.
But the graphics are going to be dated compared to the likes of farcry/HL2/Stalker/Doom3 when they come out.
Still looks very very nice mind. :)
Yeah, this is one of the ones I'm waiting on too...still has a few weeks till it comes out though.
IGN and I imagine a few other publications have their hands on copies that are final, minus some tweaking and bug squashing. And to hear them talk about it, they are very impressed.
I hear the demo is coming out this week. Or the next.
EDIT: Holy crap! I am a Hydra. I was a Prowler for like 4 days!
Originally posted by Dux
6 Gameplay Videos were placed on Gamershell or Gamepsot, I can't remember. And after about a day Eidos orderd them to be removed as they were so - bloody - shit. Later it was pointed out it was footage from the XboX.

All the annoying aspects of the 1st still remained apaprantly, shit Combat, gun merging through the wall when you walk up to it with your weapon out and so on. Either it was considerably toned down for Console Kiddies. Or Mr. Spector is going for a half arsed cash in.

Most of you probablly already know this.

Incorrect. They were removed because it was footage from the engine 2 months ago, that's why it looked crap. New videos with footage from the current engine build will be put up soon.

The reason why Europe gets it later is because they have to do the different language translations. I don't see how this should apply to the UK though, sigh.
Thats what I meant. Why oh why does it apply to the UK. I mean come on. Whats the story.

I have been told that they have to change things for different age clasification boards. But I dont see how that can delay it for so long. I have been told that they have to change the box designs and manuals and stuff to be acceptable in the UK.

But it cant take that long can it.....

Please just release the game asap so I dont have to download it!

Btw, is there gona be ANY kind of multiplayer mode in DeusX2?
I don't really mind either way. Just wondering.....
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Incorrect. They were removed because it was footage from the engine 2 months ago, that's why it looked crap. New videos with footage from the current engine build will be put up soon.

Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)

Btw, is there gona be ANY kind of multiplayer mode in DeusX2?
I don't really mind either way. Just wondering.....

Most likely. What is a FPS without multiplayer? I am thinking team deathmatch, CTF, deathmatch, and maybe some other.:cheers:
Originally posted by ray_MAN
Most likely. What is a FPS without multiplayer? I am thinking team deathmatch, CTF, deathmatch, and maybe some other.:cheers:

Again, wrong :p There's no multiplayer.
Yeah, it does use Havok 2.0 physics.. it was the first game I'd heard of that uses it :)
Cool I can't wait for the demo. Blowing stuff up galore.
Yep, and the fun part you can kill people with stuff lying around, like heavy boxes, barrels, etc. It is not pointless like it was in Max Payne 2 (where physics were used only to look cool). Plus with AUGs you will be able to lift these heave objects and throw them at people :)
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Yep, and the fun part you can kill people with stuff lying around, like heavy boxes, barrels, etc. It is not pointless like it was in Max Payne 2 (where physics were used only to look cool). Plus with AUGs you will be able to lift these heave objects and throw them at people :)
:eek: that sounds badass, man hl2 is looking less and less "revolutionary" (if you wanna call it that :dozey: ) every time i read a preview for Dues Ex, Doom 3, Stalker or Far Cry.
hmm im going on to Ebay when it comes out and buy it off there.
Im not gonna be a argh lets kill em all charecter im gonna see how many people i can avoid killing :) they deserve to live
The original was cool, apart from the later levels, which were just tedious shit (HL suffered from the same shit also with the Xen Levels). I'll be pissed if we don't see the game here in the UK though before Christmas. Lookswise I think DS2 looks reasonable for what it is, lack of multiplayer (Co-op even?) is a bitch though.
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
The original was cool, apart from the later levels, which were just tedious shit (HL suffered from the same shit also with the Xen Levels). I'll be pissed if we don't see the game here in the UK though before Christmas. Lookswise I think DS2 looks reasonable for what it is, lack of multiplayer (Co-op even?) is a bitch though.

We're getting it March unfortunately. There's nothing stopping us from importing it though :D
So is it Dec. 2nd for the PC definately? I heard it was like December 18th for PC and December 2nd for X-Box.
Originally posted by ray_MAN
So is it Dec. 2nd for the PC definately? I heard it was like December 18th for PC and December 2nd for X-Box.

december 2nd/3rd (maybe shipping on the 2nd, in store on third, not sure) for both pc and xbox.
does HL2 run havok physics??? or do they have their entire physics code made by themselves....or do they have modified havok physics??
Dx multiplayer sucked badly im not exactly in tears because of its abcense in dx2. Im just going to play it again and again i mean there is so much to do :) What an amazing game i want it now
Sadly, every single game I was looking forward to for the PC got pushed back until after the holidays, I had forgotten all about Deus Ex 2 though. Thank God something good is coming out soon!