Deus Ex 2


Party Escort Bot
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
I just finished beating it. I took the Denton/Helios route. Sweet game, I don't see why everyone was disappointed in it. I think the reason alot of people didn't like it was because it's too different from DX1
I liked it but it was still no where near the 1st part. The took shortcuts in makeing the game because it was bassed of the x box. For example the really small levels, gfx were lowered because of x box. If you look at the old screenshots of Deus Ex 2 they looked a lot better. Yes it was a good game but it could have been as good as 1st. Everyone makes mistakes lets hope they dont make it again for part 3.
Some fans made an updated texture pack for the PC version -

I wish companies would quit making games for the PC & Xbox at the same time. What's so hard about making a PC version first, then scaling it down right after for the Xbox?
The great thing about the first was how well all the elements came together. With Deus Ex 2, they ripped out a number of these elements and the game was left feeling unbalanced and rushed. It felt too much like an average console game on a PC to me.
i loved Deus ex 2, and found it really fun. I loved the first as well, completed it 2 times :) i dont really see what was bad about the second, graphics and levels were fine to me.
... except it was minus the skill system, had less "biomods" (read:augs), and had bad loading times, and staring zombie people ?
i prefered the skill system gone, although it made it less of an RTS ir allowed you to focus more on the choices you made on augmentations and weapon enhancemants, plus the loading times were tiny compared to some games (*cough* BF1942 and UT2k4 :p)

one thing i did notice was that every single person had exactly the same head, just with different hair... there was a "man" head and a "woman" head and then they just stuck different features on them. pure laze :p
I thought Deus Ex 2 was abysmal (in comparison to number one). Played it for two hours then uninstalled it. If it was by itself, it would not be too bad I guess, but it just wasn't Deus Ex. It was obvious that it was designed primarily for the Xbox, in the fact that graphics were worse, levels smaller and also because it was MUCH easier than the first. You get heaps of augs really early, the plot moves too fast and you just don't care about many of the characters, and there is no real reason to use stealth in this game (unlike part 1) because running in with guns blasting every time actually works.
Suicide42 said:
i prefered the skill system gone, although it made it less of an RTS ir allowed you to focus more on the choices you made on augmentations and weapon enhancemants, plus the loading times were tiny compared to some games (*cough* BF1942 and UT2k4 :p)

one thing i did notice was that every single person had exactly the same head, just with different hair... there was a "man" head and a "woman" head and then they just stuck different features on them. pure laze :p

I don't understand what you mean by "made it less of an RTS" because it had nothing to do with that genre of game in the first place. I suspect you were supposed to say FPS, which if it is true(I'm making a big assumption here) I would totally disagree with. If anything the removal of the skill system made the game more of an FPS in that you could pick up and use any weapon equally well.

In the first game if you poured all your points into a certain category of weapons say the pistols( I can't remember the exact names for the skills) and then tried to pick up and use the sniper rifle, you would be useless at it since the aim was all over the place indicating you were untrained with that weapon(which isn't exactly something you'd expect to see in an FPS where you're pretty much supposed to be able to shoot equally well with all the weapons you pick up)

When I played DX1 I focused on the pistol skills and tried (unsuccessfully I might add) to use the sniper rifle for a bit, to make things a bit easier on myself. In DX2 I did the same thing except I was now able to kill pretty much all the enemies I came across with it and made the game too easy for myself in the process.
Zapp$ter said:
I don't understand what you mean by "made it less of an RTS"

errr, i meant to say RPG, sorry, i was tired and bored etc.

Varg|hund said:
You what? I've experienced no loading time over 30 secs in UT2004

well then you would have minute loading times in DE:IW, either that or you have all the graphics on medium.
Varg|Hund said:
You what? I've experienced no loading time over 30 secs in UT2004 :imu:

In Deus Ex 2 i had a load time of about 10-12 secs.
I got it as soon as it came out and finished it in 4 days, i wasn't disapointed coz i didn't expect it too be as good as Deusex 1, not all companies have enough time and resources to make a better sequel, like valve and id do.
Deus Ex 2 was a Kindergarten version compared to 1...level design was disappointing with small undetailed rooms and few NPCs...the storyline not half as sophisticated as 1. I finished it just to get it over with. The graphics are utterly pathetic compared to the system resources the game squanders. I hate XBOX ports.
plus the loading times were tiny compared to some games (*cough* BF1942 and UT2k4 )

Did you also mean 'plus the levels were tiny compared to some games (*cough* BF1942 and UT2k4)'?

Still a good game though - you feel like you are making more of a difference than in the original. It was too easy though (and I was playing it on 'realistic') and the unified ammo, no skills etc didn't really hurt the game. What I didn't like (and this applies to the first game) is that it rarely feels like a living, breathing world, due to the sparsity of the NPCs and lack of 'idle' animations (ie bartenders cleaning glasses and people using ATM machines or actually eating or drinking anything in bars). Don't get me wrong here, because I love the game, I just think it could have been even better.
Yes, that`s what bothers me too. It just lacks the persistent world feel that BI nailed SO WELL in Planescape:Torment. You know, loads of sidequests, plenty of non-story-relatated reading material/conversations, the sense of the world moving along even when you`re not interacting. Still, the game was very good at times. Plain embarassing at others.
I decided to play it again after reading this thread, and it's such a good game. I've taken a totally different route from the last time I played it. The combat still totally sucks though.
PXM5000 said:
I got it as soon as it came out and finished it in 4 days, i wasn't disapointed coz i didn't expect it too be as good as Deusex 1, not all companies have enough time and resources to make a better sequel, like valve and id do.

Very true.