Deus Ex: Source?


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
To me...Deus Ex is still one of the best shooters around. It has an amazing story with a plethora of plot twists, cool, likable characters, a nice inventory system with lots of cool weapons and gadgets. To this day, I still keep the game installed, because no matter how many times I play through, the next time I do it...I'm always finding out something different. The character development and RPG elements, coupled with multiple solutions to each problem increase the replayabilty tenfold. much as I love this's really...really ugly, and I believe source would be the perfect engine to bring this game back to its former glory. I believe Deus Ex redone in source would be wildly popular because of its huge fanbase. Now, im no modder, and im just throwin ideas around, and like to hear yours as well.

lawsuit city im sure, would be best to do your own mod with some twists, definitely could not use Deus Ex without them saying something about it.
Ah well, you all made good points, to be honest, I didn't even think for a second about copywrights....anyway, thanks for the input, was just something I had on my mind.
Dang, I would LOVE to see this mod though. DE was one of my favorite games of all time. Didn't Ion Storm release a Deus Ex SDK too?
Why would you want it? Deus Ex: Source would take years for a full mod team to complete, and I can garantee that it wouldn't be that much better. Deus Ex plays fine on its own, without rolling barrels and player made weapon models.
I've been making some unreal maps inspired by some DE1 office screenshots. I used DE2 textures and it turned out pretty well.

I hope someone makes a cyberpunk/sci-fi mod like Deus Ex. The type of game when you look at objects and a box appears around them so you can interact. They're way more involving than mindless shooters.

If the team focused on releasing a small prototype game first, it wouldn't even take that long to make. A bit like that third-person fantasy mod that was released.