Developed storys.

What comic/seris?

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Jan 2, 2006
Reaction score
Ok... Ive been thinking. I don't have alot of free time, if you take away the time i spend here and with friends, but who needs friends right? So i was thinking. Ive been reeding threads about Xmen and other Marvel stories, and as a kid, i reed alot of spiderman and fantastic 4.
So, my point here... There are alot of comics... Like Spiderman, Xmen, Fantastic 4, Batman etc. And if i where to screw my friends for a while, and focus on reading COMICS :cheese: (yeah yeah i fail at life) Which should i go on? I don't have the time, money or endurance to read every damn comic, and if i where to do so my friends whould totaly leave me in a hole for sure.
So... What do you think?
I so voted before I realized it was a public pole. Though I stand by my decision.
Edit: Oh... Never mind that. I figured it out. I think it was a misstake to make that an option.
Spiderman for me. I collected Spidey comics for a couple of years.
Altho I am also a big fan of the Batman series. *KAPOW*
Not much into comics, never bought one myself. But the metal gear games are very good, it and getting a life are two good options.
Yeah well... Im much cooler irl. Just geeky on the web. hihi spidy web!
Damn im tired. Good night everybody!
I love the Sin City series. And there are only 7 books. 8 if you include the one that is included free in the Sin City Special Edition.
Rizzo, no one cares if you're cool or uncool, stop being so concerned.

For me, it's Sin City followed closely by Batman during the 80s.
DeusExMachina said:
That's a pretty ignorant comment. I'm assuming you've never read any of Alan Moore's work?
Let's see...


Better Hairstyle: Kurt Vonnegut
Better Clothing: Kurt Vonnegut
Better Facial Hair: Alan Moore

Verdict: Kurt Vonnegut wins 2/3. He is the winner.
I'm a big fan of both.

I fail to see how their physical features have to do with their skills though...

Alan Moore has a beard, Vonnegut only sports a 'stache, of course Moore is gonna win that :p.

But seriously, you see Watchmen as much as real literature as Breakfast of Champions...right?
DeusExMachina said:
I'm a big fan of both.

I fail to see how their physical features have to do with their skills though...

Alan Moore has a beard, Vonnegut only sports a 'stache, of course Moore is gonna win that :p.

But seriously, you see Watchmen as much as real literature as Breakfast of Champions...right?
I had never even seen a picture of Alan Moore until I Wiki'd him.

...Speaking of Moore, I would suggest him as well Riz. Watchmen and V for Vendetta are two high points of his career.
gick said:
*beats wilho round the face with a salmon*
Is it cooked salmon? Because if it is, chances are it would fall apart before it reached my face. You might want to choose a different cooked animal to hit me with, such as a chicken or a cow.

And my name has two Ls. See above my post for an example.
My signature suits me perfectly.
Well, I'll leave it to Deus and others to do the comic recommending: the answer, Rizzo, is 'none of the above' (with the exception of Sin City). You all know what I'm going to say: Transmetropolitan!



DeusExMachina said:
The one that comes with the DVD is just the Hard Goodbye.

I was under the impression that the Special Extended Edition that isn't out yet, came with a biography comic of the guy with gold eye. I can't remember his name. :(
Read these:

V For Vendetta
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: Year One
Reginald said:
I was under the impression that the Special Extended Edition that isn't out yet, came with a biography comic of the guy with gold eye. I can't remember his name. :(

Sadly, no :(.

I got two copies of the Hard Goodbye now.


Read Transmetropolitan
DeusExMachina said:
Sadly, no :(.

I got two copies of the Hard Goodbye now.

Ah, you are right. I am dissapointed. It was originally going to be included though, right?
I voted for everything and thus diden't make any contribution to the thread what-so-ever.
Thanks TheSomeone, but i wasn't realy serious :P.
Im just trying to figure out if i should start reading a comic. Thanks to theSteven to. So i should either get a life or read sin city... Hmmm...
There's hundreds of other better comics than Sin City.

V for Vendetta
From Hell
Batman: Dark Knight Returns
Batman: Year One
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: Long Halloween
Batman: Dark Victory
Batman: Hush
The Invisibles
Sandman (Neil Gaiman)
The Walking Dead
NYC Mech
Ghost World

There's plenty.
Yeah, add to Deus' list:

Just a Pilgrim
Tank Girl
The League of Extroadinary Gentlemen
Frank Miller's Ronin
100 Bullets