Developer corruption in EVE Online


Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Rather interesting read over at Kotaku concerning developer corruption and favouritism ingame.

"Earlier this week it was revealed that there was some alleged cheating going on in Eve Online. The kicker was, the cheating was being credited to the game's development team. Yesterday, on EO's developer's blog, a dev known only as CCP t20 comes forth and admits that he/she was actually the perpetrator of the nefarious deed."

Here's an interesting read on how the situation was uncovered and handelled thus far.

I haven't played EVE for a long time now but if I were still paying the subscription fee I'd seriously consider cancellation. The way CCP have conducted themselves and what they've allowed to happen here is disgusting and an insult to their entire player base. I'm so glad MMO's aren't my thing.
People play EVE?

are you kidding me? It's probably the best MMO out there right now next to WoW - and its incredibly deep an involving; a thinking man's game if you will.

Tasty graphics too.

It's sad that the devs are mucking around with things like this - at least CCP is doing something about it.
are you kidding me? It's probably the best MMO out there right now next to WoW - and its incredibly deep an involving; a thinking man's game if you will.

Tasty graphics too.

It's sad that the devs are mucking around with things like this - at least CCP is doing something about it.

CCP deliberately moderating comments on the official boards that talked about the issue and only bowing to public pressure after a time - a LONG TIME - is NOT doing something about it. They even bant the whistleblower, Kugutsumen, even though he contacted them to help investigate. (Although in all fairness he had technically violated the terms and conditions, and he had been using social engineering/ingame hacking(?) to spy on other corperations.

Specifically, the part that he violated was this:

7. You may not violate any local, state, national or international laws or regulations. ... 16. You may not engage in any activity that increases the difficulty and/or expense of CCP in maintaining the EVE Online client, server, web site or other services for the benefit and enjoyment of all its users. ... 18. You may not communicate, post or publicize any subscriber's personal information within the EVE Online game world or website. ... 25. We reserve the right to ban any user from the game without refund or compensation.

Because he revealed that a developer - a NAMED developer - was playing.

are you kidding me? It's probably the best MMO out there right now next to WoW - and its incredibly deep an involving; a thinking man's game if you will.

Tasty graphics too.

It's sad that the devs are mucking around with things like this - at least CCP is doing something about it.

Agreed. EVE is better than WoW in that theres always something to do. Once you reach the level cap, get all the gear in WoW and finish the instances just once, its basically over.

With EVE, everything that is the way it is is because of the way you, the player(s), make it. Bored? Smuggle something across a border for a friend/NPC and get some cash. Insure your craft. Work for that new upgrade for your laser or torpedo launcher. And you literally have to wait WEEKS sometimes for your character to gain knowledge through books so that you can fly bigger craft, and use better upgrades for engines, shields, weapons, cargo space etc. Its just more realistic than a 'flash of light' like in WoW.
Hopefully it didn't unbalance the game too much. I can't believe a DEV was cheating - low.
I wanted to get into EVE. It looks really interesting, and after the whole heist of $10,000 really perked my interest. But... I dunno.