Diablo 2 anyone?


Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
I just started playing again. Anyone up for another little shpiel?
What server? EU or US? I would prefer EU but i dont know where the majority of D2 players live on this forum
Add Neofyte and Neofyte2 .

I'm on USEast. I might join you guys.
There is a halflife2.net group for blizzard games, perhaps you could join it and see what people in it have diablo 2 and are interested in playing it(I own it, but am not interested).. which is why I'm not in the group.
I own it, and would join, if I wasn't too busy playing Starcraft.
Original or expansion?

I never understood why I didn't buy the expansion, I wasted countless hours playing Diablo 2.

I've been meaning to reinstall it for a while... I hope my account wasn't deleted... haven't played in atleast a year or so.

Edit : Just reinstalled, my account's gone :(...
Made a new one, add Fidelis.
Original or expansion?

I never understood why I didn't buy the expansion, I wasted countless hours playing Diablo 2.

I've been meaning to reinstall it for a while... I hope my account wasn't deleted... haven't played in atleast a year or so.

Edit : Just reinstalled, my account's gone :(...
Made a new one, add Fidelis.

It's probably the expansion, as it's got so much extra stuff included in it that makes the game a lot more entertaining...

Guess the guy really didn't care too much about having an organized game.

I probably won't be able to play at all this week since I've got class again.
Yeah, but TCfromBN plays an awful lot still. I'll be playing Starcraft and out of nowhere, "Neophyte has entered Battle.net" so I have to harass him through /f msg.