Diablo III Designer on "How it should look"


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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MTV Multiplayer: Just to be clear, are we going to see a lot more rainbows during the game?

Wilson: [laughs] After the announcement, one of our environment artists went to the darkest area in Act One and put a giant rainbow across the whole area. No, you?re probably not going to see a ton of rainbows. But we don?t think the one that?s in there is that big a deal. You know it?s like, it?s a waterfall. My favorite [criticism] is the one that analyzed the light refraction angle, and told us why from that angle seeing a rainbow would actually be impossible. Oh yeah, and it was upside down because the colors were reversed. And we?re like, ?This is a whole different world than ours! Who?s to say that light refracts the same in the Diablo world?? [laughs]

We don?t think it?s that big a deal; we just think it adds a lot of interest to that scene. We don?t have specific plans to fill ?Diablo? with rainbows. It?s not like we restarted the project and were like ?Diablo III ? now with rainbows!? Although I will say the pitch that I originally did, once we decided what we were going to do, said ?Diablo III ? now with pants.? Because we added a pants slot.

Ditto, looks fine to me. Then again, I also think SCII looks gorgeous.
Reminds me of Dungeon Siege.. Ahhh memories.
mtv multiplayer blog what the hell is that?
It's bullshit, <RJMC>, that's what it is. Don't you stand for it.
I initially read this thread as Diablo III level designer? :( :( :(
Yeah Pitz, that shits been buried, fossilised, dug up and carbon dated. It's oooold.

Well I hadn't read it before.
i think the game looks fine, nothing extraordinary and nothing awful either. it's just ok, because graphics don't mean shit in diablo. it's the gameplay that rocks your socks off. honestly, when you're whirlwinding your level 87 barbarian through act 3 to get to mephisto, do you pay any attention to the textures or the lighting effects? no, you don't. you pay attention to the loot and how many MF runs you can make in an hour. basically you pay attention to everything else except the graphics.