Diablo Veterans


Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Just out of curiosity, are there any diablo and diablo 2 vets in here? if so do u know anything about the diablo 3 rumour that has been going around?? if so tell me coz i really want to know, i love the first 2 games they rock, even though i only played like 15mins of the first 1. thanx.
I'm a Diablo vet. The first was my favourite, the second got too repetitive...

Haven't heard much about Diablo 3. Reckon it'd be 3D, though. Online might be an MMPORPG.

Know anything about StarCraft 2?
Diablo 2 rules :thumbs: however i havent heard anything about Diablo 3 it think blizzard's progress is very slow on it, it also needs to finish the major D2 patch
I heard that blizzard will be using the psuedo 3d graphics for Diablo III.
But, there hasn't been any news about Diablo III forever.
i used to play it when it first came out.. after about 8 months of playing it and the very first time they had "roll backs" or whatever their called.. i was so disappointed.. :(

around the time of roll backs i had gotten a very rare item.. and when they rolled back, i not only lost that item but a hand full of other uniques and stuff.. after that, i tried playing, but just lost interest.

so what is the storyline headed into Diablo3?
If it is annouced sometime soon, dont expect it to be out for about 2 years after they say it will be out.
Diablo vet here :) Played Diablo for a few years, got two characters good, one level 50 one very close. I'm right into Diablo II although I don't play it much anymore, it's alot different from the first and I've yet to get a character past lvl 50. Favourite class is Paladins. Diablo 3? Blizzard won't be workin on that for some time, they got D2 to worry about, and WoW is still in heavy development.
Im a Diablo vet, although I played Diablo 2 much much more. I don't think there will be a Diablo 3, at least not for a few years. Im waiting for Starcraft 2, not some 3d-shooter version but a REAL sequal to Starcraft.
I'm kinda afraid Starcraft 2 will be like Warcraft 3 - chunky and big and dumb. It has nice graphics and it suits, but doing Starcraft this way would suck :( I kinda want them to stick to 2D in a way.
All i can say is that im still addicted to Diablo 2. And not many games have had that affect on me. The longest i ever played a game without stopping for a long period of time (i.e weeks not hours) would have to be the elder scrolls 3: morrowind. Great game.
Originally posted by Rift
All i can say is that im still addicted to Diablo 2. And not many games have had that affect on me. The longest i ever played a game without stopping for a long period of time (i.e weeks not hours) would have to be the elder scrolls 3: morrowind. Great game.

Morrowind is the best RPG of all time IMO.

Also, I love your avatar! Lateralus is the most profound album to come out in my life time. Where did you get the avatar?

Lastly, I played D2 for hours and hours in SP, but never really got into the MP because people were such dicks. And I think that there is a much better chance of Starcraft 2 coming out before D3, because SC is really what put blizzard on the map. Hell, my little sister knows what starcraft is and not because I showed it to her, but because she heard about it at school.
I own and have finished diablo 1 and diablo 2, and all the expansions

on battlnet (us west) i had all the "godly l337" stuff (the hacked items, but i had a LEGIT windforce, that i found). but i got bored of it and stopped playig (i still got my accnt with all my stuff though)
back on 56k I was a blizzard fan, StarCraft and d2 all day
In one of the PCGamer Magazines they had an interview with one of the Blizzard guys who made Diablo II (and I'm guessing Diablo I also). In this interview they asked if they had plans for a Diablo III and he said that Diablo II and its Exp Pack were going to be the last of the Diablo Series. I highly doubt that they're going to make a Diablo III because they're already underway making another RPG, World of Warcraft. The interview was I think less then a year ago. I dunno maybe he lied.

Edit: Oh yea, about Diablo II. The community is nothing but a bunch of competitive assholes half the time. Everyone is out to scam everyone else and you cannot trust anyone. Its seems people in that game get all their self esteem from their Diablo II character and how good it is in PVP even if they're using bugged/hacked items out the ass. I quit the game because it was repetitive and because of the community. I'd join a dueling game just for fun and I'd see people in a the biggest insulting contest then I've ever seen in my entire life. They just brag about their character and then the other one bitches, its the same in every dueling game. You'll never join a dueling game without people fighting verbally or someone gloating about how good their character is. I thought it was truely pathetic.
basically everyone who worked on diablo II left blizzard north to make a new company...


that isn't the story i read, but it talks about it...you can find more info on your own. of course, blizzard has the rights to the diablo franchise...so there could still be a diablo III...it just won't have the same people working on it...and it might be a lot different because of that...who knows