Diana crash paparazzi to pay one euro in damages


May 5, 2004
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"A [edited] court has ordered three photographers to pay one euro in damages for breaching privacy laws when taking pictures of Princess Diana on the night of her fatal crash, according to a ruling made available on Wednesday

The single euro divided between the trio will be paid to Mohamed al Fayed, the Egyptian-born millionaire and father of Dodi al Fayed, Diana's companion who also died in the crash.

The photographers were sentenced on Friday after the Paris appeals court overturned earlier rulings and decided that the three had invaded the couple's privacy twice during the evening"


dear god what a slap in the face for the families involved
1 euro?



What the hell?
I have finally known why there are so many french jokes.
DreamThrall said:
I think this about explains it:

I was going to purposefully edit any references to the french court just to avoid comments like that
CptStern said:
I was going to purposefully edit any references to the french court just to avoid comments like that

It wasn't REALLY meant to be humorous... What, haven't you seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?
One Euro?!!? Thats like half of Frances military budget.

Lolz... What more did you expect besides anti-French jokes.
...that's pretty ridiculous. You'd think Monty Python had done the best job of mocking the French- then the French themselves go and one-up them with this sort of thing!
Considering the mutltitude of awful, petty, stupid, crazy things people get sued for and the often insane amounts of money people are forced to pay in journalism, this is utterly ridiculous.
indeed :P Its an insult to the family.

btw, go to "google" and type "french military victories" and then press the "i'm feeling lucky" button :) lol :P

For the lazy ones :P
Ome_Vince said:
indeed :P Its an insult to the family.

btw, go to "google" and type "french military victories" and then press the "i'm feeling lucky" button :) lol :P

For the lazy ones :P

I LOL'ed at that one! :laugh:
