DICE Hints at Dedicated Servers for Bad Company 2

I guess I'm dumb. So, DICE will host a bunch of servers for us *or all?* and IW doesn't do that at all?
Props to Dice for not being Douches like console fanboy IW.
Would be a smart move now, considering so many FPS enthusiasts have just turned away from Modern Warfare 2 for this exact reason.
Wait......so MW2 won't have any ded servers..?

Modern Warfare 2 won't have any dedicated servers, only their own match-making service.

DICE are indicating that they will keep dedicated server support for Bad Company 2
Oh, for custom games and such, right? Gotcha.

Also, this isnt really news worthy. Its kinda a given with every pc game ever with the exception of MW2.

Sadly it's not a given anymore, FEAR 2, Operation Flashpoint 2, and now MW2 all have no dedicated servers (read: no multiplayer at all). I wouldn't have been surprised at all if BC2 had none, considering it's predecessor wasn't even released on the PC at all. So good for DICE for not being total jackasses.
This will most likely be my next competitive multiplayer game. MW2 was a 'maybe' but the whole IW.net fail put me off.
Sadly it's not a given anymore, FEAR 2, Operation Flashpoint 2, and now MW2 all have no dedicated servers (read: no multiplayer at all).

Uh, not sure what you mean by the last bit. Are you making the "joke" that multiplayer without dedicated servers is not considered multiplayer, or are you just that misinformed?
I'm pretty sure its the former, a lot of people consider dedicated servers to be a staple of PC multiplayer gaming.
It means that both games were literally dead within a month, the same fate a Gears of War, Red Faction: Guerrilla, and every other shooter that has shipped with no dedicated servers for PC. It's a death sentence for any game.