Did Aliens build the Pyramids? (clips added)


Oct 8, 2004
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As I say in all my threads, I can bet this has been discussed on this forum before lol, so sorry if it has.

However please take a look at these clips.

Its mad to think that alients could have built these huge monuments.....
alot of good info on these vids.

What are your thoughts on this??




PS - i know the video is as old as the pyramids lol
i built them with my big alien cock, why do you wanna know?

no aliens did not build them, and if you truly think they did you might be ripe for a mental exam.
The Predators made humans build them and sacrifice themselves for the face huggers
i built them with my big alien cock, why do you wanna know?

no aliens did not build them, and if you truly think they did you might be ripe for a mental exam.

LOL well done.

Cheers for the reply, thats your opinion, fair enough. Im just wondering what you guys thought. Also Jverne, how do you know they didnt? you have blueray HD video evidence of humans building the mega structure for me to watch? you seem confident enough that you know enough :thumbs:

They were too busy creating stonehenge.

another monument that would have been hard for humans to build in that era. :E
Saturos, since your from a 'top secret' location you must be right..
****! i wanted to rick roll you but i don't know how to turn automatic youtube attachments so you wouldn't know. i chose a random rick roll site that rick rolled me instead.

the worst was that i had also had never gonna give you up on one of my tabs and when i had to restart firefox i heard that song plying in the background. i almost shit my pants due to the fact i could not fine any hidden virus or application running.

i felt a stone fell of my heart once i noticed it was a youtube tab. ugh....that was terrifying

you win...this time.

and besides, how do you know it was not my giant alien cock?
Those videos were pseudoscience at its very best. Good job.
Are the ancient Egyptians morons or something? No... they built the pyramids.
I'd like to make a statement about HL2.net regarding my observations of posting pattern behavior. I've noticed that the site has been in somewhat of a lull for awhile due to the lack of any huge Valve titles lately, but just recently, more theism and extraterrestrial threads have been popping up of late. Both very tired subjects around here. Coincidence?

Just so I don't look like an ass to the OP, I'll tell you that I merely believe that many of the amazing architectual wonders of the world many believe to be be the work of ETs is nothing more than an arrogant underestimation of ancient civilization's capabilities. The pyramid design itself was nothing more than ancient hi-rise engineering before the days of steel sub-structure design. These ancient people wanted to get closer to whatever gods they worshiped at the time and the pyramid was the only logical way to reach the heavens.

So you see kiddies, don't rely on every bit of information and propaganda you see on the interwebz.
Just do some thinking for yourselves for a change and you'll be surprised at what you can discover.
Why do you assume that the Egyptians didn't?
I'd like to make a statement about HL2.net regarding my observations of posting pattern behavior.

I'd like to make a statement regarding your tendency to march into threads and pee all over the floor. Stop protecting the conspiracy.
I'd like to make a statement regarding your tendency to march into threads and pee all over the floor. Stop protecting the conspiracy.
There is no conspiracy. Your suffering from mild delusion I'm afraid.

If there were aliens, the government and media would DEFINITELY inform everybody ASAP.
If there were aliens, the government and media would DEFINITELY inform everybody ASAP.

in response to all your posts.

I dont think your an ass at all, if anything thx for replying. anyway, I just think it would of been hard for them to get those massive tonnes of stone up there, and apparently from the time it was bauilt they would of have to have placed a massive block every 8 seconds for 20 years non stop, just seems impossible....

serious? they had the papparazzi/photographers and media back in the egyption days? lol

and they drew everything on the walls in the pyramids, fights, births, going on, but never about the actual construction of the pyramids or planning... nothing. wonder why not?

I apologise about the 2 threads being a bit random, its just I was youtubing and these videos came to my attention lol... havnt posted here inna while so thought id pop back to see how the forum was....:naughty::cheers:
in response to all your posts.

I dont think your an ass at all, if anything thx for replying. anyway, I just think it would of been hard for them to get those massive tonnes of stone up there, and apparently from the time it was bauilt they would of have to have placed a massive block every 8 seconds for 20 years non stop, just seems impossible....

serious? they had the papparazzi/photographers and media back in the egyption days? lol

and they drew everything on the walls in the pyramids, fights, births, going on, but never about the actual construction of the pyramids or planning... nothing. wonder why not?

I apologise about the 2 threads being a bit random, its just I was youtubing and these videos came to my attention lol... havnt posted here inna while so thought id pop back to see how the forum was....:naughty::cheers:
So polite, I like that. :)

In response to how Egyptians moved huge blocks of stone, everyone knows the jews really were the ones who built them, but the Egyptians got the credit for designing them.

Plus, they actually did have things like cranes, pulleys and dollies. For pity sake, they weren't stupid. Did you know the world's first light bulbs was actually invented in ancient Egypt?
your pulling my leg haha

what else did these amazing egyptions invent? the telephone? lol
Rimmer: No, Lister, I mean like the pyramids. How did they move such massive pieces of stone without the aid of modern technology?
Lister: They had massive whips, Rimmer. Massive, massive whips.
Solved in 1988.

Definitely with Saturos on this one. Humanity is only as resourceful now as it's ever been, and we shouldn't underestimate ancient peoples just because they had wacky beliefs or writing systems. In fact, think of it as some kind of RPG-element in a Civ game. The Egyptians ploughed nearly everything they had into Construction*, but it cost them in Integrity in the long-run.

*Somebody must have ploughed Cleopatra. ZING.
Kore, you better be trollin. To suggest that anybody but the Egyptians made the pyramids is an insult to all historians, scientists and in fact the entirety of humanity.
it was on youtube dude, ask the person on youtube who posted the video, or the creator, director and writers of the documentry itself lmao....

dont shoot the messenger krynn

oh, did you see the youtube clips i posted, got some interesting points on there which historians will have no answer to :p
Stonehenge was explained in this one show I watched one time.. It turns out they had 2 Stonehenge, one made of wood, which obviously rotted away. It was all about fertility to these people, the stone one was life and the wood one was death or something, I dunno I can't really remember but it made sense, they even found out how they moved them - the same way the ancient Egyptians did (putting logs underneath and rolling that shit).

It took a very, very long time for the people to build the pyramids, the only reason you think aliens are involved because you seem to think they were built in like a week. Given enough time (hundreds of years), people could have easily built all those. It's not really a mystery if you did some research. Anyone who thinks it was aliens are retarded. Seriously retarded.
I'd like to make a statement about HL2.net regarding my observations of posting pattern behavior. I've noticed that the site has been in somewhat of a lull for awhile due to the lack of any huge Valve titles lately, but just recently, more theism and extraterrestrial threads have been popping up of late. Both very tired subjects around here. Coincidence?

Meh, still better than "G-man is Gordon from teh footurez!" threads.
It's a bit incorrect to say that aliens built the pyramids, since it was Elvis all alone who made them one weekend.
if it were aliens who made the pyramid they would definitely be made of Dilithium Crystals which would be used to fuel the aliens' warp drive which would help bring them back home
Anonymous built them duhh, you are all so ignorant.
Apparition: "There is a land far away across the violent sea
9000 solsti have passed since a dying and unearthly race
Tried to cultivate there. It is important that their work is completed.
Not for their sake, but for yours

What is this... strange four legged creatures hoofing through desert lands
Gigantic triangular structures... bizarre glyphs... and a...
An opening for life of the universal nucleus

"10,000 years ago, 5 huge pyramids were created
In the resemblance of the hunter's constellation
...A constellation which consists of 7 suns"

Two more structures must be built
To complete the portal
Left by the dying un-earthly race
This task is not possible without the
Culmination of many hands
Slaves are an option I would employ
If the power was at my disposal

As time can mend, time will destroy
Indecipherable words carved by hands dissimilar to mine
But the calling was made and it's purpose will serve
The end of all mankind is the word
Typical western additude:"omg but african pepl are so stupid how they can bulit pyramid must be aleins!!!!"
Typical western additude:"omg but african pepl are so stupid how they can bulit pyramid must be aleins!!!!"

dude, they didn't even speak english...how smart could they be?
Typical western additude:"omg but african pepl are so stupid how they can bulit pyramid must be aleins!!!!"

Yes, because it couldn't be "How could they build something so huge and massive without modern technology.

You have the typical dick foreign 'lawl uhmerikuh' attitude.

Maybe I took his post too serious? :p