It did for me! Finally!
Of course, I also received 1 gig of ram in the mail, and installed it prior to updating. Now, I don't know if it is the fact that I have 1 gig of dual channel instead of 512MB; but I switched from two 256MB DIMMs to two 512MB DIMMs, so I was using dual channel before, too...
But now there is absolutely no stuttering whatsoever, except for when I change video settings. Also, right after it is done loading a map, there will be some sound looping and the game skips frames for a second or two. After that, it is silky smooth on my 2400+ @ 2600+, 1GB DDR, Radeon 9800 Pro, SATA, XP machine.
So thanks to either Valve or Kingston, depending on who fixed the problem. I'm too lazy to pull out one of my 512MB DIMMs
to see if it still stutters. :E :E
But if someone wants me to (so I can help determine if stuttering with this patch is still a problem for people using 512MB,) let me know.
Either way, post your experiences with this new patch. Good? Bad? I'm hoping good, because I use an Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04. It can be very sensitive when it comes to games and applications that have timing issues; it cannot even handle a 400FSB Athlon XP CPU (even though Asus says a firmware update will fix this, it does not) without random reboots and blue screens. If it works for me, chances are it worked for everyone else. I hope.
Of course, I also received 1 gig of ram in the mail, and installed it prior to updating. Now, I don't know if it is the fact that I have 1 gig of dual channel instead of 512MB; but I switched from two 256MB DIMMs to two 512MB DIMMs, so I was using dual channel before, too...
But now there is absolutely no stuttering whatsoever, except for when I change video settings. Also, right after it is done loading a map, there will be some sound looping and the game skips frames for a second or two. After that, it is silky smooth on my 2400+ @ 2600+, 1GB DDR, Radeon 9800 Pro, SATA, XP machine.
So thanks to either Valve or Kingston, depending on who fixed the problem. I'm too lazy to pull out one of my 512MB DIMMs
to see if it still stutters. :E :E
But if someone wants me to (so I can help determine if stuttering with this patch is still a problem for people using 512MB,) let me know.
Either way, post your experiences with this new patch. Good? Bad? I'm hoping good, because I use an Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04. It can be very sensitive when it comes to games and applications that have timing issues; it cannot even handle a 400FSB Athlon XP CPU (even though Asus says a firmware update will fix this, it does not) without random reboots and blue screens. If it works for me, chances are it worked for everyone else. I hope.