Did the January 10th update help YOUR stuttering problem?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gish05
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It did for me! Finally!

Of course, I also received 1 gig of ram in the mail, and installed it prior to updating. Now, I don't know if it is the fact that I have 1 gig of dual channel instead of 512MB; but I switched from two 256MB DIMMs to two 512MB DIMMs, so I was using dual channel before, too...

But now there is absolutely no stuttering whatsoever, except for when I change video settings. Also, right after it is done loading a map, there will be some sound looping and the game skips frames for a second or two. After that, it is silky smooth on my 2400+ @ 2600+, 1GB DDR, Radeon 9800 Pro, SATA, XP machine.

So thanks to either Valve or Kingston, depending on who fixed the problem. I'm too lazy to pull out one of my 512MB DIMMs
to see if it still stutters. :E :E

But if someone wants me to (so I can help determine if stuttering with this patch is still a problem for people using 512MB,) let me know.

Either way, post your experiences with this new patch. Good? Bad? I'm hoping good, because I use an Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04. It can be very sensitive when it comes to games and applications that have timing issues; it cannot even handle a 400FSB Athlon XP CPU (even though Asus says a firmware update will fix this, it does not) without random reboots and blue screens. If it works for me, chances are it worked for everyone else. I hope.
Gish05 said:
Right after it is done loading a map, there will be some sound looping and the game skips frames for a second or two. After that, it is silky smooth
That's pretty much how it is for me. I updated the guts of my system (New Mobo, CPU & RAM) which made a huge difference. It was totally unplayable before. Having 1GB of RAM as helped a lot of people I think. However, There are still some with top end system who still have problems. Not least old matey on the Blep pages. He's getting there now though!

yes worked for me great !

2.6ghz pentium4
9800xt 256mb
512 mb ddr 333mhz
......... Adding to what I said, I don't think the latest update actually had any positive effects on my game. I didn't mention my occasional 'glitches' throughout the game either. These don't effect the gameplay. They're just annoying really. Other than that it runs very well. I checked my framerates when I got to Station 7 in water hazard. With almost everything up high (Except model detail & water reflections) + AA x2 & AF x2 I was getting around 60FPS. It increased when I moved inside. However, I still got the occasional 'glitches' which showed up as a spike (Huge drop in framerate for a split second) in the showbudget tool.
no not for me,opening doors goin into new areas etc i get stutter
I sometimes get stutter moving around areas, but it happens most often when NPCs are talking to me or each other.
I don't get it as badly as many others though.
I still have a 1/2 Gig and stuttering is about the same - the upodate did, however, take away my ability to enter console cheat cosed - which ticks me off! - I play single player with those, and enjoy the ability to get unlimited ammo reloads.

- Anyone else see that effect?
Didn't do a thing for me. My stuttering really isn't too bad though, so I'm not too worried.

However, I do think the load times have been improved.
A speech therapist helped me with my stuttering...

But in Half-Life, people spoke pretty normal for me, so I haven't noticed much. But quick-save causes less of a pause now.

-Angry Lawyer
Hmm, it must have been the RAM. I'm assuming you people that still have problems also have 512MB in your system?
Gish05 said:
It did for me! Finally!

Of course, I also received 1 gig of ram in the mail, and installed it prior to updating. Now, I don't know if it is the fact that I have 1 gig of dual channel instead of 512MB; but I switched from two 256MB DIMMs to two 512MB DIMMs, so I was using dual channel before, too...

But now there is absolutely no stuttering whatsoever, except for when I change video settings. Also, right after it is done loading a map, there will be some sound looping and the game skips frames for a second or two. After that, it is silky smooth on my 2400+ @ 2600+, 1GB DDR, Radeon 9800 Pro, SATA, XP machine.

So thanks to either Valve or Kingston, depending on who fixed the problem. I'm too lazy to pull out one of my 512MB DIMMs
to see if it still stutters. :E :E

But if someone wants me to (so I can help determine if stuttering with this patch is still a problem for people using 512MB,) let me know.

Either way, post your experiences with this new patch. Good? Bad? I'm hoping good, because I use an Asus A7N8X Deluxe PCB 1.04. It can be very sensitive when it comes to games and applications that have timing issues; it cannot even handle a 400FSB Athlon XP CPU (even though Asus says a firmware update will fix this, it does not) without random reboots and blue screens. If it works for me, chances are it worked for everyone else. I hope.
Can't handle a 400MHz fsb XP+ Processor?
Yeah. PCB 1.04 A7N8X Deluxe boards cannot run Athlon XP's @ 400FSB stable. Even with the firmware update, it still will reboot/give you blue screens at random times. It also fails the Prime95 test within like 20 minutes. Asus is too stubborn to admit their board is flawed. Talk to any PCB 1.04 user that has tried using 400FSB - they'll tell you the same thing. I found a FSB of 180 (or 360) to be stable. Some people have been able to get it a little higher... I really could care less. I have my 2400+ FSB set to 333MHz, and that's good enough for me. HL2 runs great. So does UT2004, Far Cry, and Doom 3.
does the heapsize command work?

I have 768Mb DDR PC2700 Ram and i put the heapsize half of my ram and i dont get any improvement?
I just installed the game today and started playing. I'm having huge stuttering problems. Usually when NPCs are talking but also when I'm just walking around. My PC should be able to handle this game no problem. Is this patch you speak of something that steam automatically downloads? If so, I already have it. Is there anything else I can do?

P4 3.4 ghz
1 gb ram
6800 gt
The occasional 'glitches' (at seemingly random points) that people get during the game are *almost always* due to the game doing quicksaves. Hoep that clears up that point at least :)
there's no way it's quicksaving in my situation. It does it much too frequently. Somebody will be talking to me and they will be like "Hello Gor Gor Gor Gor Gor Gor Gordon".
Perhaps, but I was making a general point that wasn't aimed at you :)