didnt know there was pictures of living giant squids

how did you end up browsing a wikipedia article on giant squids?

scroll to the bottom

I will not like to hav one of those near me in the beach


let's kill them all
It's like ****ing goatse. OH GOD!
My irrational fear of octopus and squid still exists, thanks RJMC!

DEAR GOD, I'm shivering now :(

Bye D:
how did you end up browsing a wikipedia article on giant squids?

I allways liked the sea and the creatures in it

too bad there will not be anymore wildlife in the sea by 2050:(
The creatures WAY down there scare the ****ing piss out of me. They are all ugly, and freaky..and have huge teeth.
I didn't either, nice find there RJMC


lol squid goatse

The creatures WAY down there scare the ****ing piss out of me. They are all ugly, and freaky..and have huge teeth.

Personally I find them the most fascinating of all species on earth. Their adaptations are simply incredible. There's this octopus that swims in a slanted angle so it can hide its silhouette with the little amount of light that penetrates in the deep ocean. It also simulates the light that isn't filtered by it, so it camoflauges and traps its prey. <3

eddie: ^ did you have to? x_x
These photos, if I'm not mistaken, are some of the first photographs of these large species ever. I didn't know about the live ones actually - the first one I saw was the carcass that rolled up on a beach in South America (I think) and they didn't know what it was for a long time.
Time to prove my science teacher wrong!!
There are even bigger squids to be in existence, the Colossus Squid.
I watched a nature programme once about whales (sperm whales I think), and apparently they dive down like 2 miles under the sea and have TITANIC UNDERSEA BATTLES!!! with giant squid. If someone could get that on camera it'd be just about the coolest thing ever.
Christ, just looked at all the pics on the Wikipedia article... that's creeped the hell outta me lol!
in 2002 why did i never hear of this Steve O'Shea capturing these photos? you'd think this was a big deal ya know?
Yeah, the 2002 and the 2004 ones both seem to claim to be first.
holy shit, i didnt knew there were photos of alive giant squid. they're really badass.. would be cool to see those rumoured colossus squids, i mean they were heard of back in the age of ships and pirates.
I hate the sea.
would be cool to see those rumoured colossus squids, i mean they were heard of back in the age of ships and pirates.
As were mermaids, sea dragons and the edge of the world... :p
Yet another "sea monsters" thread.

Imagine the size of the calamari you'd get of those squid!
except I think youd be the one on the dinner plate =]

anyways Ive never heard of the "colossal squid" until now, sweet:D, I wonder if any squid actaully get big enough to eat the whales? one can only hope, giant squid ftw!!!1
**** squids, I want pictures of living giant crabs. That attack you.