Die Hard Trilogy - The Game


Nov 6, 2003
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After reading in a thread earlier today that Justin Timberlake is to appear in Die Hard 4 as McClane's son I started chatting with a mate at work about how good Die Hard Trilogy on the Playstation was back in the day.

I eventually looked it up on amazon and also found the Scorpion Light Gun and Die Hard Trilogy 2; got all for £20 which was a result. :D

Who else thought the first game was awesome?! :afro:
Ya, i remember the 3 modes. Fun stuff.
I loved the Diehard 1 part of the game. THe other modes sucked though.
DeusExMachinia said:
I loved the Diehard 1 part of the game. THe other modes sucked though.

yer that was sweet :D
I used to play it with my ex girlfriend.......
/runs away crying
i played the demo the 3 modes were cool. the virtual copy kinda mode was the coolest
how dare they ruin the series with justin timberlake.

unless he dies at the beginning to put McClane in a state of fury. then it'll be alright.
Yep, Die Hard Trilogy was badass, but I sucked at With a Vengeance. I loved the original and the second one.
trizzm said:
how dare they ruin the series with justin timberlake.

unless he dies at the beginning to put McClane in a state of fury. then it'll be alright.

It's rumoured that he is on holiday with his daughter and terrorists attack...... or something like that.

I just hope to god they don't spoil the series with this one! :(