Different endings in Max Payne 2...?


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
I've heard some rumours that there are different endings in Max Payne 2...is that true or just bullshit?

All you have to do is play on different difficulty modes.
Really!!? GOD DAMN!!! Then why am I sitting here not playing max payne?!?! BWARGH!!!

EDIT: Are there any changes during the game or only in the end? Oh and are there different endings to all the different levels of difficulty?
Beat it on the difficulty after hard boiled, i forget the name.

BTW, I just finished the game. It really picks off excellently from the 1st and flows really well. It goes on the top of my list for SP games.
I think I just noticed something that has changed since the easiest level. When you're in your first dream they start shooting at you in the interrogation (spelling?) room, but not on the 2nd difficulity! WAGRH!!!
Originally posted by Frank
I think I just noticed something that has changed since the easiest level. When you're in your first dream they start shooting at you in the interrogation (spelling?) room, but not on the 2nd difficulity! WAGRH!!!

Haha, damn... now I gotta' go back and try this. Damn you all ;).
Yeah, just beat Dead on Arrival for the ending, you don't need to do New York Minute.