Digicam LCD screen is borked, need help.


Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
The LCD screen on my camera is cracked, and around the cracks there is what appears to be black ink stuff (It isn't spreading) that means I can't see for a good portion of my camera's screen.

Is there any way to fix this, and if It has to be done by a professoinal, how much will it cost?

Camera is a Fujifilm 'Finepix J10'

;(;(;( help!
TBH i'd buy new. I'm betting if you sent it in, the repair cost would be close to $100 anyway.
Urgh, My parents will go spare and I'm pretty broke right now. Might just live with the problem for a few months. Thanks anyway :thumbs:
Urgh, My parents will go spare and I'm pretty broke right now. Might just live with the problem for a few months. Thanks anyway :thumbs:

when filming in a house, you can plug it into a TV (assuming it has a cord with video or s-video or something)

maybe you have a portable LCD tv/dvd player or something. Plug your camera into the input jacks and you are set.
It doesn't look like your camera has a viewfinder which is too bad.
Another thing. I live in the UK but the camera was bought in the US. I have no idea if it's under warranty - How do I find out, and what do I do since i'm in a totally differeny country? Would I have to send it off over to the US to get it fixed?
it should say in the manual, and if you don't have that there should be a clue on the box, and probably the unit itself.

Maybe look at fuji.com
You would probably have to mail it to a center where it was bought (US). I remember when selling Compusa warranties that was how ours worked. Although they are a retail place and not a camera manufacturer.
I got this from Curcuit City in Las Vegas...god dammit xD
Update - Warranty does not cover 'accidental damage' so i'm ****ed xD.

Ahh well, will just have to buy another one / live with it.